chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up on the couch alone and looked around remembering that I was at ashtons house,I hear a toilet flush and see ashton walking back to the couch

"Oh your awake"

" ya what's going on"

" nothing just watching a bueatiful girl sleep on my couch "

I blushed alittle

"Oh ashton you always know the way to make somebody feel better"

We layed back down on the couch and sat there for awhile it felt nice to have a friend like ashton.after awhile I realized that I never told michael were I was last night.

"Ah crap"

" what" ashton asks slightly concerned

"I forgot to tell Micheal were I was last night,he is probably worried"

" oh well do you want me to take you home"

" would you"

" of course that's what friends are for:)"


I opened the door to the house and go up the stairs I pass michaels room and I can hear him talking to someone.i lean against the door to hear

'So what are you going to do when you come here' I can here slightly through the door

'But do you want to do something together'

'I know, I know we can't say much'

'Ya she's at ashtons'

I wonder who michael would be this way with on the phone
'Ya I'll try and call her,ok bye'

I realize that he was going to call me so I run to my room and dive onto the bed, my phone rings as michael calls

"Hello" I try to act calm

"Hey are you still at ashtons"

" No I'm in my room but how did you know "I was at ashtons?"

" ashton texted me you were sleeping over"

"Ugh he didn't tell me he told you I was so scared that you were worried"

" I'm fine but I guess I could talk to you in person I'd you said your in your room"

"Oh ya I guess" I hung up my phone and michael walks in.

"So what should we do today" he asks

" Well I'm going to be moving my room around so that jade has room to sleep while she is here"

" Oh she's staying here"

" ya for the week next week"


" Well I'm gonna go to ashtons we've got practice today"

" Ok"

" are you sure you don't want to join"

" ya I just need to stay here I don't think I could face calum or luke today"

" why"

" did they hurt you because if they did...!"

I cut michael off

"No they didn't hurt me at all they're to nice... but I think that's the problem they're both to sweet"

" Ok well I text and check up on you"

" Ok".

Michael walks out of my room and leaves so that I'm the only one here I lay on my bed I listen to music until I started moving things around. I called jade up to show her what I've done to my room and how I'm so excited to see her,she said her flight gets in at 12 noon on Sunday

and me and Micheal will be there to pick her up at the airport.

A/n : Hey I'm sorry this chapter is alittle shorter than others but there is not too much going on right now but who do you think michael was talking on the phone to, is he hiding something,(or someone?) ;)

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Love ya ❤

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