chapter 22

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Pre. A/n: so this is the last chapter I'm so happy/ sad because I've loved writing this story and If I can be real with you right now I think I haven't started writing this because it the last chapter and I wasn't like emotionally ready for it to end. I know that sounds really bad and cheesie but it's true I love this story and I hope you have also loved it thank you for reading thank you for giving me 1.75k views that's awsome and I hope you enjoy the last chapter :)

(3days before the tour)

We were all sitting on the couch when ashton, luke,michael and jade got up.
"Well we should get going" luke says,
"We can all go spend the night at my house"
" Ya and give calum and katie some private time" ashton winks at me.
I smack his arm as he starts to giggle. They all left and it was just me and calum, I sit back down next to him when I look up to him I give him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Hey do you wanna go upstairs?" I say as I pull on his arm getting up and heading up the stairs. We sat on my bed as I held his hand in mine I lifted my head to face his kissing him passionately the kiss depends as it gets more heated. By now we were in a full make-out session, I moved my hands down to the him of his shirt tugging it up and he pulls away from me
"Katie.... are you sure you wanna do this"
"I'm positive" I say staring into his eyes
"I just don't wanna.."
" calum. I'm fine I love you and I want this"
I leaned in to kiss him again and I turn over so that I'm on top of him and he proceeds to remove his shirt.
( I'm so sorry that it doesn't go into it more but I didn't know if I should put it in the story or not plus I'm bad at writing smut do sorry if I disappointed anyone)
I woke up in calums arms I turned my head so I could see his face his eyes slowly flutter open and he looks down at me.
"Good morning beautiful" he smiles
"Good morning" I kiss him.
" so do you want to go out tonight" he asks me.
"I'd like that"
"Well I should go back to the house and get ready"
" pick you up at 6"
" k"  I say before shutting my bedroom door.
I sit back down on my bed to see what time it was,it was 9, I looked to jades bed and she wasn't there I got up and walked towards Michael's room I opened the Door and saw him and jade sleeping together. I guess she didn't want to sleep next to me and calum.
*skip to 6pm*
The door bell rings and I walk down the stairs and open the door to calum standing there with a nice smile, I give him a quick kiss
"So are you going to tell me where we are going" 
"Of course not" he smiles.
We arrived at the beach about ten minutes later and he takes his hand in mine and leads down the sand. In the distance I could see light, as we got closer I saw that there was a blanket layed out and some candles. We sat and stared at the waves crashing down on the shore,
"Katie... that first day I saw you when you came with Michael to practice I knew you were something special, and then when you trapped me in the closet and asked me out I couldn't be happier And knowing that you stayed with me when i was in acoma means that you love me as much as I love you so this is why I wanted to ask you something"
He reached his hand in to his pocket and pulled out a small box
"Katie Michelle Clifford"
"Will you marry me?"

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