chapter 6

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After pizza Hut Micheal and I went back to the house and aunt Karen she was there with her suitcase "michael, katie I will be leaving for another business trip tomorrow morning,I will be gone for 2 weeks"

"Ok mom" michael says

"Oh and katie can I talk to you in the kitchen"

"Is it bad"michael says

"No" aunt Karen says "but it is a secret"

Micheal goes up to his room and aunt Karen leads me into the kitchen

"So what's up" I ask

"Well since you live with us now

and your parents have passed you can't just be an orphan forever"

"What do you mean"

"When you and Micheal were at practice I went down to the court house and signed the papers so I'm now your new mom "

"You adopted me!"I say excitedly

"Yes but you have to be quiet you can't let michael know,he has wanted you to be his sister but we will save the secret for his birthday next week"

"Ok" i say then run up to my room to call jade and tell her the exciting news


As I got to the top of the stairs I see michael standing In front of my bedroom door

"Any news I should know about " he

" nothing you should know about"

He just rolls his eyes and walks back to his room.

As I enter my room I get onto my computer and Skype jade. Once she answers I scream at her in excitement since I haven't seen her since I had left a month ago.

"Omg katie how are you,how's Australia,you have to tell me everything"

"Ok ok calm down" I say

Well Australia is cool I get to see michael every day which is nice"

" Oh I never got to meet him " she says

"Oh well then hold on, michael! I scream down the hall,he emerges from his room and ask "what"

"Come in here I want you to meet someone"

He walks into my room and sits on my bed I turn the screen to jade

"Jade this is michael",michael this is my BFF jade " Hi he says

Hi jade says

"I've heard so much about you" jade says

"Really Micheal says well I  heard so much about you jade"

"Oh that's cool" she says

Now get out Micheal I have to tell her the secret "Oh come on she gets to know the secret" he cries

"Yes now get out"

He walks out the door and I was about to tell jade but I walked back to the door and open it, michael falls out and gets up quickly

"Really Mikey " I stare at him

"Oh come in I just want to know"

"No now get out"

Can I at least have a hug for you hurting my feelings "

"Oh did hurt little mikeys  feelings I say hugging him


"I roll my eyes now get, out

I shut my door and return to jade where she was laughing

"He such an idiot"

So what's the big secret

Well my aunt said that while I was out with Micheal and his band

"He has a band"

Yeah and there pretty good"

"you'll have to send me a video"

"Ok but anyway I was out with them and my aunt said that she had went to the court house and adopted me"

She screamed "so michael actually your brother now"

"Yes but I can't tell him because he has always wanted me to be his sister,so we were going to tell him on his birthday next week"


"Yeah well I should get to bed it's getting late "

"Ok "jade says talk yo you later




Hey I'm sorry this chapter was so long and boring but I felt like the story needed it but I'm writing chapter 7 now so :)

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