chapter 3

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Katies P.O.V.

As we got on to the plane my aunt told me " michael will be very excited to see you,since he doesn't no you're coming"

I realized that I haven't seen Michael since we were kids so I would be nice to see him again.

After the long plane ride we had landed in Australia. As we stepped into the airport we made our way to the baggage claim,where we found Michael,he was very surprised to see me and I was surprised that he had green hair.

"Wow you have grown "he tells me

"Just look at yourself,you're taller than me and have green hair"

"Ya dieing my hair is kinda my thing now" he says


after we got to the house I followed michael up to the spare bedroom,which is mine now I guess and I put my suitcases down.

"So what bring you here Katie " Micheal says from behind

"Oh well I'm going to be living with you and aunt Karen now"

"What!?!,that's awesome but why"

"Well it was just a normal day at school I got word from aunt Karen that my parents died in a car crash"

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Katie " he says while bringing me into a hug"

"Ya well there isn't really anything I can do about it"

" I tell you what Katie to make you feel a little better you can come check out my band with me tonight"

"What you have a band that's crazy"

"Ya we call ourselves 5 seconds of summer"

"Well I would love to come"

He walks out of the room and I lay on the bed going to take a nap since I'm tired from the plane ride.


After awhile I wake up and go downstairs to find michael

"Hey what time are we leaving to meet your bands"


"What it's 5 now how come you didn't wake me up sooner"

"Because I knew you were tired"

I punch his arm playfully and run back upstairs to get ready.

I walk back down the stairs at 530 and me and Micheal get into his car to go meet his band.

PLEASE KEEP READING I no it suck but It would mean the world to me if each chapter had 100 views even though NO ONE READS AUTHORS NOTES thanks :)
Sorry about the crappie chapters but I promise they will they will get better

Vote for me :)

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