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It's their big day, Thanks to Baekhyun's creativity and their wealth Sehun and Baekhyun getting their dream wedding come true.

"I am nervous Hyung. " Sehun said looking at his brother who is sitting beside him. They are waiting in the bride's room, with custom-made clothes for their wedding.

Sehun is wearing a white full suit with a gold color broach hanging on his collar. Baekhyun is wearing the same design and color but with a silver broach. Sehun's blond hair styled to a comma, and Baekhyun's silver hair is styled with parted in the middle.

"Me too Hunnie," Baekhyun replied taking his brother's hand.

"We are finally getting married to our lovers. I wish our mam and dad here to see our big day." He said again. Tears filling his eyes. Sehun hugs his brother. Without getting ruin their clothes.

"They will watch us from above Hyung, I am sure they are proud of us. And I always thankful that they give me a brother like you." Sehun kisses Hyung's cheeks making older giggle kissing his forehead back.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Yixing asks as he enters the room with Luhan.

"Yeah." They said together.

"Then let's go. Your future husbands' are waiting." Luhan said taking Sehun's hand and Yixing did the same with Baekhyun.


Music starts to play. MC of their wedding announces to grooms to enter. Chanyeol and Jongin enter after flower boys. Their parents and friends watching them with a proud smile. A lot of business partners also attend their wedding. Some media also here.

Chanyeol and Jongin stand in their represent spots in alter. Chanyeol waiting at back-silver decorated one and Jongin at White-Gold decorated one. They are wearing full-black suits with silver and gold ties, like their partners.

"Hyung I am scared," Jongin muttered to Chanyeol who also nods in a reply. Suho scoff from where he is standing.

"I don't think there is something you guys to scare. They are your lovers and they love you back." Suho said to his brother.

"I know" Jongin smiles nervously rubbing his hand together.

MC announced the arrival of brides. And large wooden doors open again. Baekhyun and Sehun enters holding hands. Before them, a bunch of cute flower girls throws rose petals making a flower path for them. With music playing background, two brides who also brothers walk to their Grooms.

Jongin and Chanyeol step forward, with a big smile, looking at their beautiful husbands.

Two brides stop in front of the altar. Baekhyun turns to his brother with a smile and eyes moist with happy tears. Sehun looks at him at the same time.

Baekhyun holds his brother's hand and placed it on waiting for hand Jongin's.

"Take care of him, he is all I have as my family," Baekhyun said to Jongin with a proud smile.

"I will, Hyung." Jongin nods holding Sehun's hand tight.

Sehun feels like crying. Even though this is their wedding they don't have their parents to hand them to their grooms, they only have themselves now. He is lucky to have a brother like baekhyun in his life.

Sehun also holds his Hyung's hand and place it Chanyeol's hand. He can't his Hyung to feel he doesn't have someone to do it for him.

"Take care of him Hyung. He isn't just my brother. He is also my parents." Sehun said to Chanyeol, who gives big smiles with teary eyes and nodes.

"I will Sehunnie."

Seeing those actions, others' hearts filled with pride. After their emotional moment, they step into their altars. Mr. Lee, who is there as officiant of their wedding, hands them their vows.

Jongin turns to Sehun and holds one hand while the other one holding his vow, he wrote beforehand.

"Oh Sehun, My Love, When I first saw you during your visit to ours as a child, you were beautiful same as now. Even my younger self thought there isn't anyone beautiful than you. I am really lucky I have met you since our childhood. And I wish every day we can spend our lives together until our last breath. We have a lot of memories as lovers and friends. And I want to make more memories with you as husband and parents. I may not perfect human, but for you, I will try my best to be a perfect and loving husband. I want to make a lot of babies with you-."

Hearing that everyone laughs and Sehun send him a glare blushing.

"- and as I remember how you grow up beautifully, I want to remember how you look when you grow old. And I will be there beside you every day and protect you, love you and until my last breathe."

Jongin finished his vow by placing a small kiss on the younger's hand.

After Jongin's finished his vow with a kiss Sehun looks at Jongin with a smile. Sehun's eyes filled with love.

"Kim Jongin, all I remember was your younger self when we met again after years, you were a skinny and dark kid back then. But I loved how you were. Now you grow up to a handsome and sexy man. I am sorry for not reorganizing you first. But you know I never stop loving you since we started dating back then. You may clumsy and do stupid things from time to time, but I know you are my idiot. And I might be not a perfect husband. But I will learn and try my best to be one. I will be with you your every sad and happy moment and love you until my last breath."

Sehun looks said looking at Jongin's eyes.

After the younger couple, baekhyun and Chanyeol complete their vows. Baekhyun bringing more laughter to the audience with his silly remarks, and Chanyeol being over-emotional while reading his vow. And two couple exchange their wedding rings. Sehun almost drops Jongin's ring while putting it on to him.

After exchanging rings, Mr. Lee starts pronouncement of their marriages.

"Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you as Spouses for Life.

You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more. But today the feeling is new. No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become Wedded Husbands. You can now seal the agreement with a kiss.

Today, your kiss is a promise. You may kiss the bride!" Mr. Lee said.

With loud applause in the background, Jongin leans to Sehun, holding younger's face in one hand and pulling him toward his chest with other hands he Kissed his lover, now his husband deeply. Camera flashes capturing a beautiful moments of famous CEO and his husband.

"Yah Kim Jongin, enough kissing. Are you that honey? We want to kiss my husband too. Stop now." Chanyeol whispers a shout to the Kissing couple with still applauding, seeing the younger couple won't stop kissing.

Jongin and Sehun broke their Kiss with a chuckle. And they wait for their Hyungs. With smile, Mr. Lee starts again with the older couple.

"You have united another two families and two sets of friends today. I ask them now to promise that they will support your marriage with joy, love, and optimism. All those who wish to promise their support say "I do!"

As Mr. Lee asks guests and newly wedded Kim couple responds with loud "I do!"

"With the blessing of everyone who is present here today, I now pronounce you as Wedded Husbands. Now you may also kiss the bride!"

And before Mr. Lee Finished his sentence Chanyeol's mouth is on his husband's lips. Capturing those rosy lips for long-awaited kiss. The audience laughs at his eagerness to kiss his husband.

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