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Jongin's POV

The party went normal and everyone enjoyed. I had to introduce myself and talk to the gest of other companies.

After long talking time with another company's CEO I walked to the where my brother and friends sitting. I sat beside Sehun.
Sehun seems to drunk. He giggled and laugh at everyone's jokes. He normally didn't laugh at anyone.
Anyway, he looks cute. His cheeks become pink. His lips are red, I really want to kiss him here and there. But I have to keep away my self from getting caught.

When I talking with chanyoel and baekhyun I feel a hand in my tight. I look at him. Sehun was talking with my brother but his hand kept stroking my tight under the table. I feel my pants tighten from his touch. Look like he doesn't know what he is doing. I hold his hand and stopped what he was doing. He looks at me confused.

"Hey, what are you doing? " He whispered me and look at our hands on my tight.

"I want to ask you that. Why did you do that? You know I can't get boner here. " I said.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know my hands got your tight. " He said with an innocent look.

"Wait till the party over. You will be punished." I said with a smirk. He giggled.

"Guys, let's dance." I hear baekhyun shout. He also seems drunk.

"Hunnie, come on, let's dance."
Sehun shakes his head.
"No, I don't want to dance. I feel like world Spain around my head " he said and giggled.

Then baekhyun run to the dance floor and began to dance crazily. Chanyoel sigh. Then he also went to the dance floor.

Suddenly my brother walked toward me with a beautiful girl.

"Wendy, this is my brother Kim Jongin. Jongin this is my old friend Wendy. Also, she is Our business partner " He introduced her.

"Hello jongin, finally I meet you. Suho talked about you every day." She said with shaking my hand.

"Really, what did he told about me? He didn't tell he has a beautiful friend like you" I said with laughter.

Corner of my eyes I can see Sehun staring at me angrily. I can feel his jealous. Wendy and I talked for about 10 min.

"Jongin, I will see you again soon. Afterwards, we have a meeting next week together. So I will go now. Bye jongin! Bye Jun! " she said to me and my brother and left.

Sehun's POV

He is talking with a girl. I know she is Suho's friend. But why jongin seems happy with her. I am so angry and jealous.

Then I went bar counter and order heavy drinks to get drunk more. After 3 drinks I feel like I am going to throw. So I stand up to go washroom but soon as I stand I drop myself to the floor.

I feel hands help me to stand. I look at him. It's jongin! I don't want to see him now.

"Let me go," I said. But it was like a whisper. He dragged me into an empty table and sit down me.

"Sehun you can't act like this. You are my assistant and this party for us." He said.

I look at him. He is staring at me with a surten look. He looks sexy right now. I want to kiss him so bad.

3rd person POV

"Nini, kiss me"

Drunk Sehun leans to kiss jongin. He stopped him grabbing his chin.

Jongin's eyes travel around the hall. His friends, gest and workers are having fun. They seem no interest in them. So he leans to drunk Sehun's cheek and peck. But Sehun seems to unsatisfied.

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