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Hi guys!
I hope you guys enjoy reading this story.
Sehun's POV

"Hello, can I speak to Mr Oh"

"Yes, I am. Who is this? "

"I am Secretary of CFO from F&C. Congratulations Mr.Oh. you are selected for work with us."

"Thank you. Thank you very much. When I have to start?

"You are welcome Mr.Oh. you will start next Monday. I will send you more information about your position and contract to your email."

"OK, thank you. "

"If you have any problem have free to contact me. I will send you my number too. Then good evening Mr.Oh. see you on Monday."

"Thank you. Good evening. See you on Monday. "
I shove my phone to pocket and ran out to find my brother to tell this happy news.

"Hyun, Hyun! HYUN!!!" I shout to find him.

"I am at the garden!" He shouts back.

I ran and saw my brother watering plants. I hug him tightly.
"What wrong Hunnie?" He asks with a worried tone. I shake my head and break the hug.

"I got selected from F&C" I see my brother had a very big smile and eyes full of tears.

"I am so happy for you to hunnie. I am proud of you. If our parents live with us, I know they sure proud of you. " He said.

"I know Hyun. They will sure proud of us. Without them, it had been 10 years. But I don't sad anymore. Because I have you. You are now my family all I have. So don't cry Hyun, don't ruin our happy moments " I said with a pout. It makes him smile.

"Ok, ok now we have to celebrate this. How about going out for dinner? We can call our friends too." He said and drag me to the house. 

"Slow down Hyun, you have short legs. How can be fast like this? You are always hyped like this. We have much more time. I going to call my friends. " I grab mobile and call my friends.
Luhan, Chen and Tao are friends with me since grade K. 

We all went to my favourite restaurant. My brother's friends kyunsoo, yixing and Xiumin came too.

We had our dinner and simple chat. My brother left for a restroom. We all had enjoyed our time and wait until my brother came back.

But suddenly we heard a loud shouting voice. So I look for a source of the voice. Then my eyes go wide, blood boil. There my brother being hovering by a tall figure. I immediately went there.
I hug my brother and He hugs me back. He looks like going to cry.

"Hyun are you OK? What happened? " Then I look the man who shouts my brother. He dusting his shirt angrily. His white shirt soaked with red wine. I figure out what happened. But he doesn't have rights to blame for my brother. Then I look at his face.

"Mr Park? "
He turns to look at me. Then my brother.

"Mr.Oh.? Nice to meet you again.  what are you doing here? " we shake hands.

"I am out with my brother and friends. But Mr Park why are you shouted at my brother? It's a mistake."
I look at him with a sharp look.

"No. Hunnie don't blame at him. I ran into him and spill wine at his shirt." My brother said with a shaking voice.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. This is my favourite shirt. So I automatically shout at you. I am sorry. " He said to my brother.

My brother looks at him with a small smile. Pink Blush spreading his cheeks.
"No, I am sorry for a bump into you. I had to more careful my steps. "
He said with a smile.

"It's ok. I have to go now. Once again I am very sorry. Bye Mr.Oh. See you on Monday. Bye cutie. " He said and wink to my brother. My brother looks away. His cheeks got dark pink.

I laughed at my brother's reaction. He is too cute. My brother glare at me.

"What? " I ask.

"You didn't introduce me to him. Is He work at your company? "

"Ohh, that! So that's the thing you are mad at me. I will introduce you to his future. Yes, he is our CFO."

"Wow ! he is so handsome" I hear my brother whisper to himself. We walked to our table and joined our friends back.

Sorry guys! I wrote this in a hurry.
I couldn't make long capture.

Word count -730

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