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Sehun's POV

"Hunnie, have you a filled application that I gave you? " baekhyun aka my brother ask me sitting beside me.

"Yes, but I don't think they would hire me. That's a very big company. You know?" I said without leaving my eyes on TV.

"But We can try our luck. Who knows if you could get that." He said with a smile. I nodded. But I know I don't have any qualifications that they request. So I don't get hopes up.

"I am going to sleep. I have work tomorrow. " Then he went his room.

"Hmm, how long I have to wait to get a job?" I  to muttered myself.

~ 2 weeks later ~

"Wake up! Hunnie wake up! You have an interview today"

I hear my brother shout me from downstairs. I immediately sit up and eyed my alarm clock. It's 8 'o clock.

"Oh Shit. I have only 30 mins " I curse under my breath and run to ready for my interview.

I change to a white shirt and normal black pants. Then brush my hair up. I took a glance mirror and head up to the kitchen. I took one bite of my sandwich and gulp down milk. My brother eyed me with head to toe.

"Are you going interview with this look? Are you crazy Hunnie?  You are going to Korea's biggest company. But you look like you are going to town for groceries."

I chuckled.
"You know I look handsome in any outfit.  If I wore a suit they would think I am a celebrity or something. So don't worry Hyun." I said with a giggle and Head to my car.

" bye Hyun, wish me luck! " with that I drove my car to the company.

Within 10 min I pull back to my destination. I look at a huge building with big fonts name on the front.

 I look at a huge building with big fonts name on the front

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"Fashion and the city"
I sigh. Because I know I don't have the least chance to work here. This is Korea's biggest modelling company. So why they have to bother to hire me?

I sit down at the waiting area that front desk lady lead me. I look around and I saw so many people had applied for this job. I sigh ninth time today. This is hopeless. I would have to search for more job vacancies.

After so many years but actually 1 hour they called my name. I went to the room.

"Good morning sir! "
I said to the interview board.

"Please sit, Mr.Oh right?"
A tall man with big ears said to me. I glance at his name board. PARK CHANYEOL He is CFO of this company. Why is Mr.CFO doing interviews? Like this interview are for some higher position? I got really confused.

Sorry guys! Short capture 😐.
I hope you guys enjoy.
I promise the next capture will be long.

Word count - 458

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