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Hi! It's an update! I told you guys about my mistake. So I end up rewriting this chapter 😟. 
Enjoy the story!
And sorry for my wrong typos 😊


"There is. They want SEHUN" baekhyun said.

"WHAT? "
"WHAT? " Sehun and I both shout together.

Jongin's POV

"What do you mean that they want Sehun? Who are them? And what do they want from Sehun? "
I asked again.

" Nini, clam down" Sehun whispered holding my hand.

"Jongin, firstly can you calm down and listen to what am I talking?"
Suho said.


"Jongin, look at this news articles." Baekhyun Hyung said showing newspapers at my face.

I look at papers and my eyes widened.
"Fashion and The City revealed New CEO and Secretary Who are look like celebrities "

"Korea's biggest Modelling  company 'Fashion and The City' revealed new positions in management "

"Fashion and the City new CEO and Secretary are dating "

" Now Korean Fashion industry has popular 'Gay' Couple "


"Sorry Jongin, I tried close down the last article. But news already spread." Chanyeol hyung said.

"But what's the connection between this and Sehun? " I asked confusingly.

"It does. Listen carefully brother" Suho said.

"OK, I am listening. " I said.

" Do you remember that I introduced some people to you last night? " hyung ask.

"Yes, you told they are directors of some fashion labels. " I replied.

" They aren't from some fashion labels but world famous. And they meet me after your drama." Suho said rolling his eyes.

"So what? "

" they asked about your relationship. I know it not my place announce other's relationship but I had to do it and you are my brother. So I announced you guys were actually dating before start work in the company. " he said.

" what!? But you told me if we revealed our relationship it might cause trouble company?"
I ask.

" yes, I told it. And I announced it because they agreed to continue our partnership if I announced the news to the media. " Suho said with irritating tone.

"What? You didn't tell me that hyung. " Chanyeol hyung said.

"Oh, I might forget that. But now because of this relationship our company have to do a collaboration with them. If we don't agree with their invitation we are in trouble. Because they don't want to partner with scandals" Suho said.

"Oh, what's their invitation? " Sehun ask.

" They want to us colouration with them in their valentine project. But not with our ideas or materials. But with models." Suho said.

"But hyung I don't see there have any difficulties with this. We have plenty of good models for that. And this will new experience to us " I said smiling.

" No brother, they want to Sehun as their main model and you can also take part in. " Suho said.

"But, I don't know how to do modelling. What if I failed?" Sehun said.

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