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hi guys! it's short update. sorry !


it's really busy week for everyone. people running here and there for errands. some are discussing about designs.. some are decorating big avenue for two theams. some are arranging things. some are giving commands. it's chaotic to see.

there is two days left for big grand wedding. Jongin and Sehun is bit relaxed compared to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"I want to this part be white and gold and other part black and silver. not other way. ! "
baekhyun shout at designer who is responsible for design their wedding hall.

"Sir, but Mr Oh didn't tell me anything about colours"

"of cause, He won't. because I am planning everything and he is my fucking brother. I know what he like or dislike. so do your fucking job!"
baekhyun hissed.

"sorry sir. I will do it. this won't happen again." designer muttered and left immediately before baekhyun shout again.

"Baby!" low voice whispered near to his ear and baekhyun feel big hands hugging his waist.

"Chan~ you are here.." baekhyun muttered relaxing to chanyeol's touch.

"You should get some rest Baby! you don't have to do everything yourself. we have people to that." chanyeol said caressing baekhyun's waist.

"But -" baekhyun begins to refuse.

"No buts. Baby I want to you get some rest. it's also our wedding Baby. I don't want to you to be tried on our special day." chanyeol said kissing his forehead.

"okay. " baekhyun gave in and smiles hugging his finance.

their little moment was disturb by Sehun's cheerful voice.

"Hyungggg !"
sehun is running toward them like overexcited child and Jongin is tailing behind him.

Baekhyun release hug from pouting gaint and turns to hug his brother.

"hunniee ! what are you doing here ?" he ask hugging his brother.

chanyeol also give manly hug for Jongin and together watch their future husband smiling and talking.

"we came here to check you guys. me and hunnie finished our photo shoot earlier." Jongin said smiling.

"hyung, did you get lunch ? we can eat together" sehun said happily and both older males nod their head.

"but hunnie, you guys have to control your PDA. I can't lost my appetite" baekhyun said teasing younger.

"Hyung !" sehun pouts and others laugh at his cuteness.

"it's not fair. I am not the person who can't control his hands. it's him!" sehun point at Jongin glaring and stomped toward exit.

"oh no Baby! I am innocent." he said controling his laughing and tailed behind his sulking Baby .

"I am happy because hunnie is himself again" baekhyun said to chanyeol intervening their hands and walk to exit.

"Yeah, me too. It's been long time since I saw Jongin this much happy." chanyeol said smiling.


they ate lunch at Italian restaurant. after busy week they had peaceful time to themselves. chatting , teasing and laughing. they are like family already.

"Hyung, are you going home tonight ?" sehun ask giggling due to ticklish point that Jongin touching.

baekhyun look at his finance before replying.
"Nah, I am going to chanyeol's. "

"Okie..." sehun said pouting.

"why you are pouting Baby ?" baekhyun asked holding his hand.

"nooo... it's okay hyung.. I thought we can spend some time together before our wedding ... I miss our cuddling times..  " sehun said sulking more.

"ooohhhhoooo..." everyone in the table cooed at younger.

"my poor Baby..... we will have our cuddling time today..." he said smiling. sehun perk at words smiling.

"really ?" he look at chanyeol and Jongin who was looking at him with fond smile.

"Yay !" he cheers like child who won his favorite toy.

sehun's smile reaching to eyes.. he is truly happy... he wants keep that forever.

"Okay, then we should get going... those two should get some rest." chanyeol stand and pat Jongin's shoulder.

"okay. baby, I will send you to home.. come!" Jongin said before sehun protest and pulling him towards exit.

"but niniiii-"
"nope . you are going with me and will give me   love i deserve tonight! I am sleeping alone..." Jongin muttered and open the car door for sehun to enter.

"meanie.. I only want cuddle."

Jongin chuckle to himself hearing sehun's mutterings..

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