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Hi guys! Long time no see! I had an exam. So that's why I didn't update the story. Sorry for late. Now enjoy the story.  I wrote this chapter in a hurry. So please sorry my poor English.


"We didn't finish yet." jongin said and carried me to the bedroom. Then he carefully put me on the bed and leave. I look at him.

"Niniii~Where are you goinggggg?" I whine.

"Just Wait a minute my princess!" He shouts back.

I look at around. His room is very big and neat. The wall behind the bed was hanging a large photograph of him. He is very handsome.

I feel a weight in the bed. I look at him. He is now fully naked. His well tan body, chocolate abs, his long and thick dick proudly stand in hard against abs and he carried Strawberry flavour bottle of lube in his hand with smriking at me. This image is very hot. I bite my bottom lip.

"Are you like what you see baby?" He asks playfully.

"Very," I said and pull him to kiss. He deepens the kiss. I travel my hands in his silky hair. He pulled back. I whine.

" You know baby, we have to things to do more than a kiss. " He said smirking. Then he licks my nipple. I gasp. He sucks my right nipple and his one hand playing with another. His free hand began to travel toward my ass hole. I feel his finger tip circle at my rim. I moan loudly.
"Ahhhhhhh-mmphh jonngin stop teasing meee"

" Mmmm-ok," He said during suck making vibration going my body. Then he suddenly pushes his three fingers together in my hole.

"Ahhhhhhaa!" I screamed at sudden action. Thanks to round in the bathroom my hole is wet.

He began to move his fingers in and out slowly without giving me adjust. Then he fasten his speed. I can't help screaming his name at every time his fingers hit my bundled of nerves.

"Ni-ni don't s-stop I am so clo~se" I shout feeling near my release.

He pull out his fingers.
"Why!? I was near to release?" I whine. He smirked.
"You had release with my fingers earlier. Now time to try another thing." He said with lubricating his cock.

"Please, I want you. I want to release." I begged. He brings my legs to his shoulders and aligns his huge cock at my twitching hole.

He kiss me and began to push his dick slowly in me. It's hurt so much. My eyes began to tear up. This is my first time. His dick is bigger than his three fingers. When he fully in me he wait to adjust his size. He kiss me to ease my pain. It's really working.

"Is this your first time? " He asks in looking at my eyes.
"Y-yes, you are my first," I said. He smiled and stroke my locks.

"I very glad to hear that. It means you didn't have any boyfriend after me?" He asks with a hopeful voice.
"Yaah. Y-you can move n-now" I said.

"Good! I am an honour to take your virginity. " With that, he began to thrust in and out slowly.

"Ahhhhhhh~" I moan feeling pleasure.

3rd person POV

"Ahhh-hh You are so sexy like this Sehun! I don't want to stop this " jongin moan between thrusting fast.

"Ahhha Ni-niii f-faster and h-harder " Sehun shout.
Jongin rolled Sehun to a new position. Now Sehun is in all fours. Jongin thrust him fast hitting postrait with every thrust.

"Ahhhhhhh-hhhha Nini hit there again AHHH A! Sehun screamed.

Jongin's room filled with screams, Moans and skin slapping sounds. Of course, jongin's house is soundproofed but only walls. If someone near his room door sure he will hear that. Yes, Sehun was that vocal.

"Jon-gin ahhhhhhh faster-rr harder" Sehun screams. Jongin smirks and pounds him senselessly. 

"Jongin I- I am so closssse ahhh" Sehun shout.
" Yes, baby cum with me." Jongin said speeding his trust.

"Ahhhhhhh-hhhh jongin " Sehun came untouched in the second time.
After a few more thrust jongin also came filling his seeds in sehun.

"Sehun I love you, " jongin said with kissing  Sehun's lips.

"Me too, " Sehun said though kiss.

"Aiiii, it's not fair! I said I love you. But you didn't said It. " Jongin pout.

Sehun giggled and stick his tongue.
"You have to work hard for that "

Sorry, guys Short update!
Word count 754

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