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"Hey, Husband" Jongin walks to Sehun with his sexy grin plastering on his face. Sehun looks at him stopping his talks with his colleagues.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have a moment with my husband?" Jongin said to others who laughs joking how they cannot spend time apart and left giving them privacy.

"Hi" Sehun looks at jongin face, with a shy smile.

"Hi baby," Jongin said pulling younger to him. Jongin placed his hands on Sehun's tiny waist.

"I haven't talked to you since the ceremony." Jongin pouts whispering. Sehun chuckles for that.

"You were the one busy with talking to everyone. I think you talked with others than with me today." Sehun replied.

"I know. That's why I came. I can't let my husband feel left." Jongin mutters, eyes traveling to Sehun's rosy lips.

"A-a-a-a can everyone give me your attention please?"

They hear luhan's voice through the speakers. Everyone turns to look at the guy on the stage, holding a mic. He seems tipsy. Sure he had few drinks because Luhan is already acting weird.

"Today my best friend got married! Congratulation Sehunnie. I can't believe our bratty Makena is already married." Luhan said, his eyes searching his best friend in-crowd. Finally, he caught where Sehun is and his lips turn into a big smile.

"-Annnnnd we have a small surprise for him!" Luhan shouts into the mic excitedly, making others cringe with a loud voice.

Soon as he said that curtains slide and reveal a digital screen in the big wall in front of them.

"W-What?" Sehun looks at it with big eyes. Luhan winks at him, before clicking the play button on the remote in his hand.

The black digital screen got lighten with music playing background. And photos start to appear on the screen. Sehun hides his face in the crook of Jongin's neck, embarrassed.

There his childhood photos and few videos playing on-screen displaying it to everyone. He curses at his friends for doing something like this.

"Baby, don't be shy. You were cute back then." Jongin whispers to his ear with a chuckle, Sehun gives him a glare and turns to look at the screen.

After a few embarrassing photos and videos of his, another set of childhood photos appear on screen, making his husband screech in shock.

"How did they find those?" Jongin mutters looking around to find his brother. Knowing that one has to do something with this.

Sehun chuckles seeing a photo of Jongin's long-haired and body covered with mud, which they played. Sehun remembers those days.

"You were so cute Nini," Sehun mutters eyes moving to look up to his husband, who is now looking at the screen with a frown and pout.

"-and still too." Sehun finished with a chuckle. He had forgotten about his embarrassing photos.

Their childhood photos turn into teen ones and their current ones, which they had a lot of photos together than a teen.

And last, there was a photo of them together, which they got from the day they had appointed as new CEO and secretary.

"Wow, we came in a long path right?" Jongin mutters as he looks at the screen.

"Yeah, I can't still believe we are married now," Sehun said looking at jongin with a smile.

"Me too. I love you Sehun" Jongin placed a small kiss on the younger's lip.

"I love you too Jongin," Sehun replied after the kiss.


'CEO of Fashion and the City got married to his first love, his Secretary, Oh Sehun.'

'Fashion Couple got married!'

'Youngest CEO of fashion industry got married yesterday!'

+++++++++++    END      ++++++++++++++

I am very thankful for who waits for years with this fic. I am very so not finishing this soon. this story was planned to finish at beginning of last year. but because I lost the main draft of this story, I couldn't do that. 

and I am really sorry for my shitty writing skill, grammar, and typos. I will edit this one once I get free time in the future.

Thank you everyone for reading this and supporting me for years. your love is the cause of my happiness, and energy to write more. <3<3<3

 hope you will read and support my other stories too.

I love you 3000!

ps- There will be few extra chapters in the future! look forward to it.

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