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Jongin's POV

"Mr Park are you done the interview ? Have you meet someone to fit my assistant?"
I ask him on a phone call.

"Yes, Mr Kim. I interviewed all who had applied. But I think the final decision you could make. So I will send you the most qualified people's profiles. " He said.

"Ok, that's a good idea. How many people have qualified? Are you search for their background? You know I don't hire people who can't trust. " I said.

"Yes sir, I know that. There are 5 people qualified. I also did their background check. I think we can trust them. Only you have to do is select one." He said.

"OK. Then send me profiles" I said and end the call.

"These are the profiles that qualified." Mr Park hand me some files with their photos. I take some time and look at their profiles. Finally, I took the last profile.

"Oh Sehun" I spell the name that written on the profile.

"Sir, he is Mr Kim's former secretary Mr Oh 's son," Mr.Park said. After hearing that I immediately look profile picture. Wow, he looks so beautiful.

"You mean Mr.Oh. who has died in a car accident 10 years ago? " I ask.

"Yes sir, I did search about him. After Mr And Mrs Oh's dead, he lives with his half brother Mr.Byun. He majored in business management, but he didn't have any job experience." He said.

"So if he doesn't have any experience. Why are you recommend him to this position?" I ask with a cold face.

"Yes sir, but when I interviewed him he told about his talent in fashion design and modelling. And when I search about him I got information about his modelling. These are the photos of him modelling." He hands me some photos.
Wow, he is so beautiful and handsome. Some photos are even cute. He is beautiful than our company's models.

"If he doing modelling why is he applied as an assistant?" I ask.

"I don't know what the reason. But Sir he had to stop modelling 3 years ago." He said.

I sigh and look again at his photo.
"Then we will hire him. After all his father was worked at this company. I think we can trust him. " I said with a smile.

"Ok Sir, I will tell him." With that, he left my office room.

"Oh Sehun I will see you again "

- Time skip to  Monday -

Sehun's POV

I woke up earlier today. Today is my first working day. I freshen up and wore a white button-up shirt and black pant. I style my hair up.

 I style my hair up

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