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Hi guys!  It's an update.
Anyway, guys, I want to tell you I really don't know how to write smut scenes. So I hope you guys forgave me!

3rd person POV

It had been 2 days since officially Jongin start work as CEO and its been year his training for the CEO position. Also its been 9 months Sehun working as CEO's assistant. They had covered up their missing time in past. Their relationship had been growing.

Suho aka Chairman of F&C decides to celebrate and inform media about Korea's biggest modelling company's new CEO. So he organised a party.

Its Friday evening, when everyone in the company, except jongin and sehun, get invited by the chairman's secretary for the party. Suho wants to tell this to brother himself.

He went where the CEO office located. When he exited the elevator
He heard a loud laughing sound. He looks Sehun office. No, there is no Sehun in his office room. So he knows where is sound coming.
He walks to jongin's office and opens the door. There is his brother angrily stand in near the office desk covered with Strawberry yoghurt drink and Sehun laughing his ass off on the floor. When he looks at Jongin he also can't stop his laughter.

" Are you happy now? If you give me to drink first nothing gonna happen like this. This is your fault!" Jongin said angrily pointing his yoghurt covered shirt and face.

" I told you to wait. You are the one who wants to drink that first and began to fight for it." Sehun said with laughter.

"Guys!" Suho stops his laugh and said to get youngers attention. That's the time Sehun and jongin notice Suho's presence in the room.

Sehun immediately stands and bow to Suho.
"Sorry Mr Suho," Sehun said.

"Don't sorry to me Sehun. I can understand why you were on the floor. If Anyone sees his face earlier, sure he will laugh like you. I also couldn't stop laughing at him" Suho said smirking at Jongin.

"God! what did I wrong earlier life to get brother and boyfriend like them?" Jongin asks dramatically pointing his hand to the sky.

Sehun and Suho look at each other and give high five.

"When every time I came here you guys are always making dramas. That cause makes me forget why I came here. Anyway, I came here for the invite you guys to Company party. It will be this Sunday evening." Suho said smiling.

"What is the occasion? " jongin ask.

"Oh, It's for introducing you to people," Suho said.

"Ohh, ok, is media coming? " jongin ask nervously.

"Yes, of course. Don't be nervous. It's won't a big deal. Anyway, I gotta go now. I want to be here and watch your dramas more. But I have a lot of works to do. Bye guys. Be sure clean this mess you guys create. " With that Suho left office.

Once suho left immediately Jongin grab sehun's wrist and pull him to his body. Then he leans to kiss Sehun.

But more than 5 seconds Suho open door again and stick his head in.

"I forget to tell you. You guys should bring a date. If you guys are going each other's date I don't care. But I remind you. You guys can't act lovely dovely like now. Understand? "  Suho said eyeing them. Then he left again.

Jongin and sehun stood there like stature staring at the door. Then they look at each other. Jongin place his hands in sehun's slim waist.

"Jongin you are covered with yoghurt. Go clean yourself. I can clean the floor." Sehun said with pushing jongin away. But no evil. Jongin didn't move. He smirked.

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