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Hi guys ! after 17422853398456 years I am finally back to this story. yes , I am alive 😂. so guys hope you enjoy this update and tell me how is it.


3rd Person POV

"So what happened ?" Suho ask as soon as chanyeol came in.

"During the meeting, Jongin got fight with one of our business partners and want to cancel partnership eith them. " chanyeol told with out breathe.

"clam down, chan and get deep breathe. hmm. so what the reason for Jongin to get mad ? I know he can control himself very well. what happened actually ?" suho ask serious with tone.

"You know hyun, after VS Commercial every one talks about Sehun. and Jongin is very mad at about them talking about sehun as he is some toy. today one of directors told something when sehun is going to present our proposal. and it made last straw to Jongin yo blow."

"hmm... so now Jongin wants to cancel partnership ? because of this ?"

"yes, also he told me to file the case against them."

"I think, there is more reasons for Jongin to do that. I know him very well. he is my brother after all. he won't do something reckless like this , as much as he is head over heels for sehun. Chanyeol, I want to you to search about this. I will talk to Jongin."


"And don't worry too much about them, you have to worry about your wedding. if not baekhyun will kill you.  haha ! I don't want to search someone to fill your seat Chan."

with that suho leaves the cabin laughing.

"oh shit ! I am late."

Chanyeol curse to himself remembering that he has to meet his finance in 15min for try their wedding suits. he immediately collect his car key and phone , running to parkinglot.


"Nini ! stop please. "
sehun ran behind Jongin , who was walking super speed clenching his fist.

"please Jongin , talk to me." sehun pleaded . he saw how Jongin was mad at meeting. how he control punching that man.

Jongin walk fast and get in to his cabin. sehun went in and locked the door.

"Nini !" he whispers walking to Jongin who is now standing in near the large window back facing to him.

sehun slowly hug him in behind and put his head in Jongin's shoulder blades. sehun can feel Jongin's tensed mussels claming down little.

"I am sorry, " sehun tried again. this time it got Jongin's attention. he slowly turns and hugs sehun to his chest.

"No, sehun don't apologize. it's not your fult." Jongin muttered kissing sehun's head.

"No, you lost partnership because of me. he talk like that because I displayed my body to everyone in VS Commercial. what if same thing happen in future? are you going to cancel every partnership if they badmouthed me ?" sehun ask tearing up.

"Baby, don't said thing like that! yes, if that happen I will get mad, but I know how to react. please don't think as it's your fult..."

Jongin hold sehun chin up and kiss his forehead.

"But if this continue, what will happen to company ? because of me are you going to l-mmph"

sehun didn't get chance to finish his Word because of pair of lips shutting his mouth speaking. Jongin sucks sehun's lower lip and kiss hard. after like hours of nibbling and sucking , they ran out oxygen and pull out from each other panting.

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