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Hi guys! It's been a long time. Short update. Enjoy story!

Sehun's  POV

I am making breakfast for Jongin and me. Today is our first photo shoot. I am very nervous. I know Jongin will there too. But I don't know what kind of cloth I have to wear. Oh, what am I going to do!

Suddenly, I feel hands in my waist. I jumped in little.

"Good morning Kim Sehun! "
Jongin whisper in my ear with his deep voice. Then he began to kiss my neck. I am blushing like a tomato because of one single name.

"G-Good morning!" I reply back. I shutter because he kissing and sucking my neck deeply.

"Mmmmggg. You are only mine." Jongin mumbles though kisses.

"S-Stop Nini, I have to make breakfast!" Jongin pout. He chuckles.

"After today, people able to see what's mine. I don't like it, " he said. I put pancakes on two plates. And turn to face at my pouting boyfriend.

" Nini, you know, I don't like this either. And I don't want to do anything you don't like. But you told me that I have to do this." I said with caressing his cheeks. And I kissed him. Without going deep I pulled back smiling.
"I'm only yours," I said. He smiles.

"Let's eat. We have a busy day today. " I said placing our plates on the table.

"Yeah, I am hungry. I want to eat you." He said smirking.

"Yah! KIM JONGIN! He is not your food. Hahaha!!!" Suddenly another voice said.

"Hyung, what are you doing here? " Jongin ask turning to the owner of the voice.

Jongin POV

"Oh, Good morning! I came to look at what you guys eating. Hahaha. Kidding! I'm here to hand you this. " chanyeol Hyung hand me a list of staff names.

"What is this Hyung? " I asked. Eyeing list.

"Those are the best photographers, stylists, makeup artists and other staff for the today photo shoot. You have to select people immediately. Then I can ready people for today.  " he said.

"Oh, okay, but Hyung you don't have to come here to only for this. You could send me an Email. " I said reading list.

"NO. It's okay, this is a huge project. And my brother in law is going to model for this. So I want to participate everything. " he said smiling.

"Oh no, you mean? You are going to my brother in law !? Why meee? " I whine, Sehun giggle. Chanyeol Hyung pout.

"Yes, you are going to be my brother in law no matter what.
I already proposed. Baek & me going to marry next month. " chanyeol said.

Sehun and I shout together.

"Why? Is there any problem? " chanyeol ask confusingly.

"No. I think we can hold our wedding together. " I said holding sehun's hand.

"You mean you proposed?" Chanyeol asks not believing my words.

"When? We didn't know,? It's not fair" he whines like a child.

"Yesterday. Hyung don't tell this to Hyung, I want to tell myself " Sehun said shyly.

"OK, wow Jongin, you are really fast. I think next year we can see you withholding diapers in the morning " chanyeol said laughing and winking at me. 

10 seconds went for understanding to me what he told. Oh! This Hyung!!!!


"Hahahhhaaaahhha bye Jongin! Bye Sehun! Don't be late! Jongin send me the list back in 15 min. Bye. See you later!  Hahahhhaaaahhha!!" He said running toward the front door.

I turn to look at Sehun. Then I saw him running into the bedroom. He was like a tomato.

Word count - 614

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