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Sehun's POV

"Mr Oh," He said.
I recognise him. After all, he changed a bit. He is jongin's elder brother, Kim Junmeon aka Suho.

"Mr Kim" I muttered. What if he sees us or heard our activity. I look at Jongin. He nodded.

"Mr.Oh you can go now. Please call Mr.Park and tell him to send me yesterday meeting report." Jongin said.

"Ok, Sir." With that, I left his office. But I turn and glance at Mr Kim. He also looks at me.  I look away.

Jongin's POV

After Sehun left I sit my office chair and began to sign documents.

" What is that jongin? What are you guys doing? " Suho ask.

I look at him. He staring at me with a surten look. So I know he won't bye my lies. I sigh.

"Hyun, he is my new assistant," I said.

"I know he is your assistant. Because I also get interview report ." He said.

"Then What do you want to know?" I ask.

"I want to know what you guys did earlier, " He said with a smirk.

"That's none of your business Hyun," I said angrily. Why is he always act like this? I don't know if is he really my brother.

"But my dear brother, you know anything that you doing in this office is my business. Because I am this company's chairman and you are not yet fully trained for the CEO position. You are in my under control." He said.

"Ok, he is my childhood friend. That's why he called me Nini."I said.

He laughs. I look at him. Why is he laughing?

"Childhood friend? Do you think I will buy your lie? Don't lie bro. I am your brother. You can't hide the truth from me. Surely you guys are more than friends. You guys kissed. When I came in you guys even didn't notice my presence. I saw you guys enjoying your moments. So I wait out with a shocked face for scaring him" He said with a smirk.

"We only kissed. We didn't do anything other than that." I said with lowering my head.

"Jongin, I don't judge or mad at you about kissing a guy. But you know other than me or Chan what if someone came in? You are new to this. You have to build an image your own. You have to careful with everything you do. Please remember that." He said and turn to leave. I nodded.

"I understand Hyun. Sorry for getting mad at you. Anyway, why are you came here? " I ask.

"Nothing serious. I came here to check you. But I didn't think I will get watch live drama" He said playfully and put his hand on the door handle but stop. I stare at him.

"Sehun became more beautiful and tall. Anyway, tell him that  I don't mad at him."He said and left my office.

I chuckled at my brother's statement. Yes, Sehun is now taller than me. When we children I use to be tall. But his character same as past. He had a sweet, playful, sassy personality. He didn't change that much.

"Cute" I muttered. My thoughts cut off by knocking sound.

"Come in, " I said.

The door cracked open and sehun came in. I look at him.

"Sir, I came here to remind that you have meeting with Mr.lee in two hours." He said.

When he was serious he looks cute. I stand and walk towards him. He didn't look he notice me. He continues reading my schedule.

"Also you have to atten-" I back hug him. He seems tense in my sudden action. I rest my head in his shoulder.

Sehun's POV

When I reading his schedule suddenly he back hugged me. I stopped reading.

Jongin rests his head on my shoulder. I bite my lips. Why is doing this? I can feel my heart beat roses every time he touch me. I think he can feel it too.

"What are you doing Nini? What if your brother return?" I ask.

He didn't say anything. But began to kiss my neck.

"J..mmp..jongin?" I ask again.

"No, he won't. And he told me to tell you that didn't mad at you." He said and return to kiss my neck.

"Stop hmpm Nini." I release me from the hug and turn to look at him.

"Nini, you know I also happy to see you again. Because I didn't recognise you earlier, that didn't mean I forget you. I remembered you with your old jongin. Who likes to dance with me, who taller than me. That's why I didn't recognise you. I didn't think you would turn this sexy, handsome ." I  said the last two words like a whisper to myself.

"Anyway, what now we doing is wrong. We don't together anymore. Yes, we had a relationship. But think about it. It's just teen love. We are adults now. We can't act like that anymore. " I said.

"I know that Hunnie. But I want to start this relationship again. If you haven't feelings for me it's ok. I can make you fall in love with me Again. Because I didn't stop loving you." He said with a smile.

Jongin's POV

After I said that he giggled. Cute.
"Then make me," He said with a smirk. I move to hug him. But he ran out of my office laughing.

I opened my door and look at his office. I saw him giggling and stick out his tongue at me.

"Mr.Oh Sehun be ready to fall for me"

Sorry, guys Short update! 
Anyway, Thank you guys for reading this story.

word count - 950

Kaihun sweet couple ❤❤❤

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