Chapter 1

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*Alison's pov*

*Showbiz news flashes on TV

"It is said that the One Direction heartthrob has been dating another girl for about a month already, andwhowas she?....Styles has been reportedly been off and about with a blonde lady who was a Victoria's Secret model andhaven'tbeennamed yet, there are so many questions about thisnewloveinterestStyleshad, we are very sure that the fans are half confused and half broken hearted..........."

I turned off the television and breathed heavily...I just wanted to sit there by the couch this time and can't help but over think what the media says about Harry, I wish I can freely go out with him in public and let everyone know like 'Wey hey! I am the real girlfriend here and you have nothing to do with it', but management and Harry wants to keep our relationship on a low profile. Indeed a very low.

"Hey, dear, what's that?" I heard Mum enter the living room, I adjusted myself from the couch and let her sat beside me.

"it's just----uhm----Mum" I started with a shiver, and I was about to broke off.

"Harry?" Mum asked

"Yeah" I tried to look at mum "I know this is stupid, but I just want to tell the whole world about me and what we had-why is it impossible?" there I've said it!

"Awww-love we all know what you've been going through-it's sometimes hard but we have to give up another thing to save another--and look it's been three years ans until now-no one knows." She's right

"Thanks mum" mums are the best!

"Always remember that dear, that he is just protecting you, you should know that, you should know how difficult for him when he is not around you, if the press knows about you, he'll just worry about you, you don't want him to worry, I know you know that and understand, Harry really loves you."

Whenever I had troubles, mum was always there I always call her my best friend, whenever Harry and I had misunderstandings or just like my past ones she's always the one who tries to understand me, everything weird about me, she accepts, everything she does to make me happy, I am so lucky to have her.

"I miss him Mum" I let out a sob, Mum tapped my back. I know I am a bit an idiot right now for acting like this and I shouldn't be feeling this, it's been three years, three years of being unknown from the public eye.

"I know--I know--" Mum laughs as if I let out a joke.

"Mu-um! I'm serious!" I joked

"I know that baby, I just want to see you smile, I know everything is going to be fine"

"Yeah, I wish I really wish"

"Are you going to stay here for the day?" I just nodded on her question.

Mum left me lying on the couch and went to the kitchen to make some toast. Dad, Dad was always doing his stuff, and I just sat there for the morning and waited for something to sink on me what she had told me earlier, I miss Harry so much and I love him, but I always feel something is wrong. But Mum was right, it is more better to keep our relationship on a low profile than the ones showed in public, that way we can be together privately and everything, we can even spend very late night out with the four other boys, such a clever idea.

After realizing everything and putting myself back together, I heard my phone ringing and it was under the cushions, what the hell was it doing there? I realized it wasn't a call or something, but a reminder I put few days ago. It says "Harry's Coming!!!!!!!!!!" I got excited when I saw that, super thanks to my phone.

"HE IS COMING HOME!" I jumped from the couch and walked back and forth running my hands through my long curls like crazy and cupping my hands together, I giggled a bit by the thought of Harry coming after month's tour from Australia and from the rest of Asia, he's finally coming back! I will finally be able to hug him, and kiss him and say how much I love him.

I can barely remember when I first met was back then in 2012 when I was opt to be an assistant for Louise Teasdale for Take Me Home Tour American Leg of the boy band called One Direction, whom! I always heard of everywhere, I know who they are..and I thought this would be a pretty much tough job for me..Lou introduced me to the boys and told me that I would sometimes handle the styling job since she believed in my powers.

One day while I was styling on the boys, Liam to Zayn to Niall to Louis then came Harry, the guy that I got attracted to, well I had to admit I am attracted to curly headed guys with such fashion interest sooo..., I wasn't expecting that he's going to ask me for a date for at least on their day offs-so I accepted that one, Harry was such a cheeky person, he was such a gentleman, and he's sometimes a prankster to everyone, to his mates and to the staff and to the security, but to top them all, Harry was such a nice person and I don't know why still a lot of people are hating on him. Maybe because he's way toooooo attractive...I have to say that for one reason. I am so thankful that I met this guy, without him, life was colorless..maybe it's just me?

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