Chapter 30

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*Harry's pov*

After Christmas, that Monday I decided to take Alison out for a late night date in the movie house. I booked two tickets for us earlier, I have already asked her parents about this and they both agreed to me that I would fetch Alison. I got to their house early and stayed for the whole afternoon before we went out for our date.

"What are we going to watch?" Alison asked me from her seat in the car

"Something scary" I laughed

"I don't like scary movies" she crossed her arms across her chest and frowning

"I was just kidding, of course I would not let you watch those"

She smiled when I told her it was just a ball of joke. We drove for minutes and got to the movie house, it was ten in the evening, too early for the showing we had on our tickets, so we have to wait, we bought a medium popcorn and some drinks for our food, and to the cinema entrance to have our tickets punched, good thing we were early before the air time, we would probably have good seats.

She giggled as we got to our seats, my hands were guiding her back, she seemed excited. We took a seat and I rummaged around and saw only few people.

"Sure that this is not scary--I'd hate you forever" she whispered

"Just wait until that one starts" I said, I know she would enjoy this one

She placed her hand on the arm rest of her seat, I put my hand on top of hers and I felt her intertwine her fingers to mine, it was ace. She giggled when she did that one, she's so cute. To be honest, I can hear my heart beating hard on my chest that moment.

The signal for the movie started as the opening credits appeared on the giant screen, I remember when we took the big screen before like twice and the first one on 3D, it's nice to remember them, and it's crazy.

We both froze in our seat when I movie goes, the story was about a girl who was broken when the man left her for another girl and to the near end of the film they were reunited and fall back together, realizing they were both for each other.

The film ended, Alison and I both got to the exit door, and for some reason reached for my face and kissed me on my cheek.

"What was that for?" I said cracking up

"That is for the movie tonight" she blushed and that smile on her face, it's like it's not gonna fade until she sleep.

I pinched both her cheeks and kissed her forehead and our noses together. We took the elevator to the parking.

"I really loved that story" she said as she buckled the seatbelt to her body

"I hate the fact that the man brought his other girl on their house while his girlfriend was there and doing insane things" I said with a little anger on my tone, she laughed "What? why?" I asked when I saw her laugh

"Nothing--so you really watched the movie? do you?" she giggled

"Hah--of course!"

"Harry, don't do that to me okay?" she went serious

Is she thinking that I am about to cheat her?, Of course I would not do that to her, I am sure with her, I am sure about what I felt for her and I can honestly say she'll all I wanted, the girl who I want to grow old with, the girl who I want to spend the rest of my life with..that's all.

I looked in her eyes and I want to promise her, that she's the only one here in my heart and no one ever take it's place.

"I won't--I swear" I said looking straight in her eyes

But before I started the engine of the car, I asked her to close her eyes.

"Before anything else!" I said "I have another gift for you"

"What's that?" her mouth went 'o' shaped

"Close your eyes first" she closed her beautiful eyes and was smiling endlessly "don't open them until I told you to"

"Hurry up!" she giggled

I reached for the compartment at the front of her seat and pulled out an envelop and help it under my nose

"You can open your eyes now" she opened her eyes and her face in confusion when I handed her the envelop "check it out" I offered

She carefully opened the envelop and I was waiting for a response, I grew nervous as she lift out two plane tickets

"We're going to France?" she exclaimed, I know she wants to go to Italy.

"Uhm--Yes?" I said

"Oh Harry this is so much!--I can't thank you enough!"

"It's priceless if it's for you always" I said

"We're leaving on the fifth? it's two days before my birthday!" she said scanning the ticket

"Yeah--that's why I thought if we could celebrate your birthday in France..or anywhere you liked" I smiled

"I know I have said this a million times, but thanks--thanks a lot--I don't know how could I repay everything you did"

"Don't think of that--all I want is just--just to see you happy--that's all and nothing more!" I said

She nodded her head sideways and smiled, she kissed me and I returned it back to her I held her neck until were almost making out inside the car.

The engine of my car roared as I started it, I dropped Alison by their house and promising her we'll be together on New Year's eve again.

"Bye Harry!" she waved "thanks and goodnight and I love you" I cannot count anymore how many times she have said those words

"Bye! Love you too!" I blew a kiss to her and she pretended to catch it, smiled at her sight, she waved and ran for the porch of their house, I drove off when I knew she was already safe.

Our house was not that far so I won't feel alone, I opened the radio and sang alone to the beat. I drove for about less than thirty minutes less the traffic. I pulled the car to our parking space and headed for our house, I never bother to ring the doorbell, I twisted the house keys and I entered the already dark house, I immediately pulled off my shoes and got to my room, threw myself on my bed my face stuck on the pillow, I reached for my phone which I remember was on my back pockets and checked our photos we took earlier and from Christmas.

One by one, I smiled at our family photo, Alison's and my family together, I feel creep overtake me, nothing, I just felt like I won half of the world, I know that both our families were great together, she had a cool mum who's always there and a dad who's always call her her baby. And she being liked by my parents too was all I can imagine, I can't thank God enough for bringing her to my life.

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