Chapter 13

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*Alison's pov*

I was nervous about taking that shot, but Robin and Harry praised me for doing that swing on our golf-ing thing. I really really enjoyed that time.

"Whoa! nice shot love" Harry whispered, he was about to give me a kiss, but I just raised my hand in the air and gave him a high five. I almost laugh with the look on his face I can see he was quite disappointed, but I just don't want to make any issues, I'm afraid that there is going to be a paparazzi anywhere that might take our photo.

"I'll talk to you later" I whispered as I went past his side to give way to Robin who was making his way

We walked to another spot until we think we had enough so we sat back on to the golf car, Robin was still practicing on the last spot he chose. I took the opportunity to talk to Harry.

"Harry" I started, I tapped his thigh

"Uhm" he muttered

"Listen, I--I just want to protect what we had, this relationship, I'm just afraid that if you or I kissed in public, you know--you're on a big boy band that everyone looks before, who knows there was a pap following us and we didn't knew? I'm afraid Harry."

"I'm sorry" Harry said "I should have realized that, but" he was not sure of what he was about to say "but-I just-I'm tired, tired of these things-you know-covering up-I hate this" he was not looking at me, but rather on his shoes...I looked at him worriedly...

I gave Harry the most delighted smile I can so I can bring his back, I don't want to ruin his and Robin's day, but mostly I don't want to see him disappointed about me, I hate to hurt him like that...I poked his dimple and he held my hand, I knew he wouldn't forget what he had did for me, the whole covering thing was such a big big, very big step that he had done for this relationship, pretending to have hook ups with more beautiful girls than I was possibly the hardest job he had done for me, for us. I am so lucky about having him as my boyfriend.

"Come on" he said

"Harry!--can you do the swing now?" Robin said

Harry took a swing like a professional Golf player, I had no doubt that dad really liked this guy so much.

"Alison! can you give it a try?" Robin asked and I gave it one.

"Good job!--good job!" Harry held up his hand and cupped it on his forehead seems like he's looking for the ball now...he's pretty

We took more swings, this is very unusual for a lady to do golf-ing, I can see that Robin enjoyed to be with our company, my company..I can tell, both of them had got each other's interests...We packed and loaded our stuff to the Golf car

"It's almost lunch time--ehhh?" Robin said looking at his watch, as we rode the golf car

"Yeah--maybe we could grab something for lunch, mum and Gemma won't be home until one--or maybe getting their food anywhere else" Harry said checking on his phone

We drove away from the golf club and we stopped by a place where there is a fancy dining, I looked around to see if there are any paps following us, and surprisingly, no one knows that we went golf-ing or anything or someone had noticed us, we're not even on a disguise, and luckily no one went to ask a photo with Harry, I took a seat beside Robin, so if anything else would attempt to take a photo of us, they would though I am a nobody---Or if anybody asks...I would say that I am cousin of Harry's, worst decision to be honest.

"Good afternoon sir!" a waitress came to approach us and hand us some menu, I skimmed through it and I just liked a pasta...I pointed it to Robin

"That looks good love" Robin said, while Harry peeks his head on what I was pointing at Robin

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