Chapter 8

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*Harry's pov*

When mum talked about weddings, my stomach went dizzy, yeah I do want to marry Alison she had everything I was looking for on a girl. I can't help but think of what they discussed earlier, it keeps playing like a song on repeat, I've always want to marry her. I don't know but I want to know and wait if we were really for each other. I always had these plans but I hope these works when that perfect time comes. I remember Alison one time when we were here, lying on the grass at the park, she told me she wants a very simple wedding proposal, like that of going to Paris or in Spain and with the guy who will propose with a shiny diamond ring.

"Son?" mum was speaking to me, I stopped short

"Yeah--I--" I ran out of words to say

"Sorry if we have to discuss about these honey"

"You scared me mum" I laughed, Alison looked at me

"You wanna talk?" Alison asked as she placed her hand on top of mine

"No--no--I was--I just remembered something"

"Oh what's that honey? can you share that to us?" I smiled at her but I was able to tell them what I had in mind

"I just remembered this girl telling stories about some cheesy marriage proposals she read from books" I tapped Alison's shoulder and she gave me one of those cheesiest smile and gave me a kiss

"So you've been reading too?" mum looked at Alison with such enthusiasm "since when?"

"Uhm--since I was in grade school" Alison replied

"I have books here you can read" mum added delightedly, she stood up and went to her room to maybe get some books that she thinks Alison can read, she went back with a couple of books in her hand and handed them over to Alison, who excitedly checked each book.

"Thank you!" Alison said politely, they giggled as they speak about every book they know. Book lovers.

I haven't seen these two talked like this, mum always likes a girl who had the same 'few' interest as hers, she thinks that way she can deal with. Just as before we finished, a sound of a car came along and learned, Robin has arrived. He entered the room silently, he must be asked go get groceries..

"Robin!" I said standing up to exchange manly hugs with him, mum and Alison did the same.

"How are you H?" he said in a husky tone

"Mhh-fine!" I said

"Alison! you grew more beautiful!" he said as he held Alison's hands "I miss you eh!"

"Thank you sir!" Alison said shyly

"No-no-no-no-no, you call me dad" he said, taking a seat

"Tea?" mum said

"Yeah yes please dear" he said politely "so maybe you can tell me what happened to your trip here?"

"Oh--it's too pretty here--makes me remember when I was a kid" Alison answered back

"Good t' hear love!--then--how's Henry and Charlotte?"

"They are very fine--this coming Christmas I'd come with them back here---in London--they think it's good to spend Christmas back home" I listened to them, maybe having both our families for Christmas would be a great idea.

"Great! maybe you could come over?" he looked at mum "what do you think?"

"No problem with me--" Anne said smiling at Alison "we can have both our families here for Christmas"

"That'd be fun!--I'd tell mum n' dad!" Alison said excitedly

Our discussions continued, but this time we talked about the tour, the upcoming, album and some many more about my career, I can see that Alison is very enthusiastic about things they said. To be honest..I'm quite relieved when Robin arrived, I don't know but I'm not yet comfortable about wedding matters.

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