Chapter 29

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*Alison's pov*

It's Christmas! it's been a week ago since we landed back to U.K. and we had come to visit Harry and his family, I am so happy to see them again, I just wish to meet his dad Des, Mr. Styles. Before we left their house we promised that the three of us would be back for Christmas, I can't wait to spend the Christmas eve and the Christmas with Harry's family with my family.

Before we drove to Harry's house, I helped mum prepare the cake she promised Anne that she would make for us, I got the gifts packed in the trunk of the car and assured we didn't forgot anything else, dad took charge of checking everything in place. When he's completely done he went to take his shower, he's not excited or something, after few minutes, when mum declared the fruitcake is done, she let me to groom myself.

I walked to my room and slowly took a bath, the warm bath makes me relax more. I turned off the shower and wrapped myself with my towel and walked to my room, scanned my closet for something to wear, I found a pair of blue jeans a blue green button down shirt a scarf and my brown coat, which I would pair with my boots, which I think matches with the Christmas theme hah! I unwrapped my towel from my body, and put some of the clothes I found, and stood in front of the mirror, I was all set and made my way to my dresser to put on some make up, as simple as I can, but best in the eyes of everyone who would see it.

When everyone is ready, we all headed to the car, dad taking the drive, It was a long ride to Harry's family house, it was an hour and a half travel from home. I haven't seen that this place is wonderful as it is. I missed U.K. that much. After taking long conversations in the car we never noticed were almost there, I pointed to dad where is the exact route to Harry's house. Then here we are!

"Happy Christmas!" we all greeted each one as the clock ticks twelve, time to exchange presents!

I received a gift wrapped on a blue paper with gold ribbon on it and it was from Anne, Robin and Gemma, I unwrapped the present and opened the box, I got a cute pair of gray gloves with pink accents on it, I always like to have one, I remember it was that glove I pointed to Gemma when we went shopping, I didn't know she would got that for me. Mum and dad gave exchanged presents with them, mum and dad both received a hand knitted scarf from Robin and Anne and Gemma, I know Anne made them by heart. I gave Harry a red beanie, which I made last summer, mum taught me how to knit so I thought it's a good idea. I wore it on his head and he looked so so cute with it on him.

"Thanks Alison" Harry kissed me on my lips, I wasn't able to see everybody's reaction

"How about you love--Harry, what did you got for Alison?"

"My gift for you would be..." Harry paused, his hands like hiding from his back "this!" he put out a long box and opened it, I was surprised to see a cute butterfly necklace!

"This is beautiful" I whispered on his ear as he puts it on my neck

"Did you like it?"

"I really like it Harry" I said my eyes were glistening

"I love you" he whispered, I giggled when he said those words

"I love you too" I kissed his cheek facing me

After all the exchanging of gifts, we all decided to have our midnight dinner, just like any other families do. Mum sliced a bit of her fruitcake and presented it to Anne, who's eyes went delighted when she took a bite of it, while Anne handed her her specialty, they both giggled as they received compliments of each other.

But everyone stopped with a doorbell. Anne went to the door to check who it is, she opened it and surprised to see our unexpected visitor, it was Des, I found out I was wrong, he bought his family too with him, I met Harry's other brothers, Wow! Genes huh? Glad they made it for Christmas!

"Des! Merry Christmas" Anne greeted him and the other kids and his wife

Anne led Des and his little family to the dining room and surprised to see everyone in the room.

"Merry Christmas Charlotte! Ah! Henry!" he said excitedly meeting everyone "Alison!" he said when he saw me who walked by mum and dad's side to greet him.

"Merry Christmas Mr. Styles!" I said

"Dad is what you should call me love" he smiled and handed me a gift and a gift to mum which I think is for the two of them

"Thank you very much!" I grabbed Des' hand, can't thank him enough, I wonder what's inside the tiny box

We all finished our dinner for this night and I can say, I am satisfied about the response of everyone, tonight was epic, all the gifts, Harry was actually still wearing the beanie I gave him, after washing the plates and everything, I proceeded to the living room and sat by couch my legs together on the couch, with the gift Des gave me, Harry followed me and sat by by my side and wrapped my arms around me, I am curious about this gift so I tried to open it. Harry was there and watched me unwrap the gift and we both saw a tiny pendant shaped like a sleeping baby, something unusual.

"This is so cute!" I smiled as I lift the pendant In the air, I am so happy to see this, I appreciate it.

"It's a baby" Harry said

"I always thought of having a baby"

"I always thought of being a dad one day" He whispered to me

"I would not believe you" I joked and poked his cheek, but I really wanted have a child

"Do I still have to prove that to you?" he said looking at my eyes, his green eyes were so close to me, I feel like my eyes were crossed looking at them.

"God no please!" I laughed

I know we're half meant about this matter, we both want to become parents someday, we always want to have kids someday, it's very different if you have children who would be there to watch you when you're old enough.

We stared at each other for few more moments and the other people had joined us. We spent times reminiscing past Christmases they had, the things they usually do whenever we had gatherings.

Looks like I've had listed another great day on my list this night, We all bid goodbye with each other and I gave Harry one of the most intimate kiss he would never forget.

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