Chapter 4

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*Harry's pov*

I just realized she was kissing me back when I did--kissed her..I always liked the feeling of her doing the same, it was the most relaxing thing in the world. I just closed my eyes and felt her lips drift away from mine.

"Harry" she said staring at the ground, she always do that when she's shy or felt a bit rushed

"Alison?" I said

"No-nothing" she looked from the ground to me "I just want to say your name" she laughed

We can't talk about anything and it's just like we just wanted to stare at each others faces..I stopped and thought if we could go out or something.

"Are you hungry?"


"Let's grab breakfast--I just thought maybe you're here as early as before I arrived so maybe we could get some"

We rode her car and I took the honors of driving it with the securities along with us on a separate car which I can say some kind of unrecognizable...

We dropped by the coffee shop we used to go to whenever I am here in L.A, with my little disguise less the itchy mustache I had earlier and grab something to eat, she always liked pancakes, I won't forget that, I remember one time when I slept by their house for the first time I made her some and she really enjoyed them, we had a little chat then, I can see she is more comfortable again with me. She told me that mum called her earlier.

"So Mum, did called you huh?

"Yeah, weird--she just called to ask if I were okay!" she giggled

"Do you want to see her?"

"Oh yes! yes! I always do--maybe before Christmas I'd drop by" she said as she sipped some coffee

"Well--when we got home, I think you should pack half of your house and we'll go there the day after tomorrow" as I said that, her eyes widened and I just can't help but laugh back at her reaction

"Harry? are you serious?" she said

"Yeah?" I said still recovering myself from laughing, but she folded her arms across her chest and glared at me, I stopped at that sight, though I really find her creepy whenever she does that.

"Oh please!" she was becoming serious. I think.

"I'm not kidding, we're leaving in two days, I booked a flight for two--unless your parents would permit us" I declared. She leaned across the table and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Did I scared you?" she pinched my arm, the way she reacted was a bit of annoying maybe, I tried to ignore her, but her eyes were looking puppy like, I cannot resist them. I gave her a cheeky look.

I watched her finish her breakfast, I have few thoughts in my mind about her, about how I met this girl, it was during our Take Me Home Tour in America, she was hired assistant for Lou, our stylist, she introduced her to us, I admit there was something with this girl, that I got attracted to; her eyes, her smile, great sense of humor and very very nice attitude, which were something that I always liked about her.

"So---Harry, how was tour?" She asked me as she took a drink of her coffee

"Nothing usual--except you not being there" I joked but it was kinda cheesy

"Don't kid with me Harry like that!" She said laughing

"Why?---it's true" I said back, she leaned across the table and planted a kiss on my cheek, she drank her coffee now leaving a mark on her upper lip, I laughed at her

"What the--Harry?" She said

"You got stains over here" I draw on my mouth a pattern of some kind of looked like a mustache

"Okay--I just hated you" she wiped them and half laughed

"Hated me for what?' I half laughed

"For not saying that earlier" she said in a very clear American accent

Wow! After three years of living in America she had adopted the language so perfectly. When I first got her on a date I learned that she and her family had just moved there in L.A. because her dad wants her to have a better career on hairdressing, she was the only child of Henry and Charlotte Stewens.

"Your accent" I started "It's a bit different now" she raised an eyebrow

"It's been three years Harry" she said "maybe this is what I had adopted on living here in America" she smiled "how did you find it?" she asked

"Uh--it's uhhh---" I paused I wanted to say it's sexy on her, but I can't just tell it directly to her "it's cute on you--I think" she smiled, it was still amazing.

"Thank you babe" she said; wait a minute? babe? since when did she called me babe? just now or somewhere else? really? she called me babe? I gave gave her a questioning look and frowned

"What's wrong with you?" she laughed

"No-it's---" okay I'm gonna say it..."since when did you called me babe?" I asked her leaning across the table, but still with a question on my look, I'm not used to her calling me that, she often calls me love or by my name.

"Don't you like me calling you babe?" she laughed

"I feel odd about or maybe sweetheart may do" I said, she gave me that smile on the ground, she's a killer.

"Okay your highness--if that's what you wanted to!" she laughed "but I think we should go, mum's home waiting"

She sipped the remaining coffee from her cup and stood up, I paid our food, we got up and rode the car home, I asked her that maybe I should drive for her, and assured her that there will be no paps as we are on a very remote place, we took an alternative route so no one will recognize us. As we pulled to the driveway, her Mum was on the porch waving at us and helped us put my luggage to the hall.

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