Chapter 6

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*Harry's pov*

I woke up the next morning on the couch, realizing that I had spent a whole lot of hours sleeping, and was still on the same clothes that I wore yesterday, I didn't found Alison by my side, and all I hear was the sound of boiling oil and a girl humming one of our songs, Steal My Girl? I walked slowly to the kitchen to see Alison cooking some eggs on the pan while humming and dancing some kind of more like a ballet, I just learned there was more terrible dancer than I am, I smiled and went to greet her.

"Hey!" I said. But I think I scared her, which for some reason, caused her to lose her balance and landed on my arms

"Oh!" she shrieked

"Hi" I said

"What the--! you scared me!" she immediately stood up and went back to the stove, "but thanks!"

"Good Morning!" I smirked while I observe the kitchen sink, she smiled, and shoved the eggs from the pan into a plate and found the bread loaf and handed them to me.

"Where is your mum?" I said as I sat on the stool of the kitchen table

"She's going to visit Granny, dad's with her, they'll go back by evening" she smiled "it's just you and me"

"Why didn't you woke me up?, I should've drove them there"

"No, Harry, Thank you. We know you're tired" I smiled when she said those words.

"Let's just pack your things then" I said

"OH! OH! We're leaving tomorrow! Oh my gosh I'm so excited to see your Mum, Robin and Gemma!" I laughed, the way she acts like she was excited was the cutest thing as always. I loved that.

After we have our breakfast, we went to her room to pack some of her things. She was really in a hurry, I think. I watched her shove her closet for some clothes and I just sat there by her bed and watched her pack her things and put them in her bag, I tried to fold few of her shirts and handed them to her. She smiled and stopped, those stares, she's killing me.

"What?" I said seriously

"Nah---I was just----thinking---about---" she cut short and my heart was beating fast "what if we got married?----sorry---I mean If I got married you know" she really emphasized the 'I' in there, "I'm not in a hurry, it's just that...." she was now sitting beside me tracing circles on the bed.

"What?" I didn't understand what she was trying to say. I've never thought that she would even dare to ask me about marriage.

"Nothing" but I can see the disappointment on her face. She was too shy to say it so I didn't enforced her. She will be able to say them when she had the courage again.

"Are you going to do anything today?" I changed the topic so she won't feel uncomfortable.

"Uhm--none--really" she said "why?"

"Do you want to take a walk?-----by the beach" she nodded "C'mon, I want to cherish this moment" the way I said it was like it was a line from an old movie..

We drove to the beach and took a walk from the parking to the shore, we didn't talked for few minutes, never bothering the cold wind, the calm sound of the sea was melody, It was just like it's the two of us..I held her hand and wrapped them on my arms. I don't know what's bothering her earlier, maybe she was thinking about how will I react about that question.

"What are you trying to say?" I started "the one you are trying to say earlier" I completed the sentence and she looked at me, this time it was serious.

"Oh! that? I was just thinking, if we--you know being married--I want to be married on a Church" she said "Harry, I want to wear a white dress and both our families are there, every single one of them"

When I heard those words, my heart melted, I really really liked to give my girl the most beautiful wedding that she'll never forget till the rest of her life, I want to spend my life with her.

"Do you like a fairytale one?" I joked

"Oh, yes the one with fairy god mothers, that should be fun!" she joked back, then she went serious "Just a simple one, with a white dress and that's all Harry"

"I know a fairy god mother and I'm going to ask her to turn a pumpkin into a carriage for you" I said

"Oh---puh-----lease!" she said in a thick British accent, hitting my arm..

We walked and walked along the shore, it was the best and weirdest unplanned trip I ever did with her, bringing her by the shore wearing skinny jeans and shirt and hoodies walking barefoot and plot twist, it was not summer. I watched her as she observed the sea, she's beautiful. I asked her to have a seat on the sand and we watched the waves and the gray clouds move and with the water hitting our toes, I drew her more closer to me so she was resting her head under my arms. Then we walked for few more then she started getting a handful of wet sand and threw them to me, but missed. I tried to catch her and we ended up tickling each other, playing, and I did get some of her photos with my phone, how breath taking...

"Yeah-yeah-that's it!" I took a photo of her posing for me, I can tell it, she had a hand at modeling...

"Oh-oh-may I see!" she went beside me to check on some of her photos...

"See?" I said smiling at her as she looked at the results "beautiful--love" I said pecking her cheek

We went like that for the whole morning and then went back to their house to continue packing.

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