Chapter 22

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*Harry's pov*

"How about you Harry?--do you have any love interest as of now?" The interviewer keeps on asking us random stuff since the show started and I am getting a bit uneasy about this question she threw, but of course I'd like to keep everything a secret.

"As of now--I don't have but there's a possible person" I snapped, answering in a more celebrity way, Niall who was sitting beside me stared at me, I know these boys would not put me down.

"Can you name her?" what the? do I still have to give a name? think Harry..think..think..think

"Ugh--noooo I can't" I smiled, whew at least I had covered half of my life

"Okay, now let's move on to some more twitter questions------"

The interview ended after fifteen minutes and we went for a photoshoot, being on work is exhausting but fun, very, we owe everything to our beloved fans, without them we would be nowhere and these..these wonderful things we had.

I tried to dial Alison's phone number and sadly, she hadn't answered. She must be on her work or might have been sleeping. I checked the time and I can't do anything else, I borrowed Niall's guitar and we got a one on one tutorials inside our dressing room, I guess we'll leave after few hours.

"You're doing good lad" Niall said

"Thanks man"

As we were pretty much enjoying this one my phone beeps and I took out my phone and found a text message from Alison.

"Sorry love, I forgot my phone at home, I just got home. How are you? I miss you :(" was all she texted

"It's okay, I am fine, I had a little bit of cold but I'd be better soon, see you when we come there in America for promotions" I texted her back then a few minutes later my phone beeps again

"Really? I can't wait to see you Harry" she replied

"I love youuuuuuuu" I returned she replied the same message and I can feel my lips curved into a smile

It's been like three weeks since we haven't seen each other literally, I miss how she kisses or hugs me. It's her ways that makes me homesick even though I should not be home sicked.

I can't wait to see her this week and I hope she's doing really fine, I really missed her when we spent times..

"Hey!" Liam sat beside me and Niall, I exchanged bro fist with him "how are you?--I mean, about the interview?" he whispered, I know what he means

"Oh--that? I am good about that--not gonna let anyone know about my private life" I laughed and Niall laughed in his usual tone, craic.

"If I was asked the same question..I would--I would ughhhh----find someone to answer that for me"

"Seriously--I am just protecting"

Niall and I went serious, while Liam took the restroom leaving us and went back on being such a craic, we're always the two guys of the group who do weird stuff and we think it's funny but the others were quite opinionated about this hah, I actually think of Niall as my younger brother well the truth is he's really older than me but the way he act was I felt obligated on babysitting him.

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