Chapter 15

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*Alison's pov*

Harry really made me worry, but I guess it's better this way not to put myself into anger, I was more worried than being angry. I love Harry and I cannot be angry at him, but it's natural that sometimes you have to have a little misunderstanding, that way you will know who your partner really was. I waited for him by the driveway, as he went down the car and gave him a hug.

"Sorry" he said. I hugged him and we both went to the kitchen to prepare the barbecue. He helped me while Anne and Gemma burned the coal, Robin was putting some chairs for us near the griller.

"Here it is!" I said in a cheerful tone as we slowly held the bowl with the barbecue mixture, Harry was beside me holding my waist like guiding me. He was such a gentleman. I put down the bowl and he did the job on grilling, I held him an apron which had a very big bear design in the middle, he's so cute wearing them

"Harry" I said as I took my phone to take a photo of him in that apron "Smile!"

"Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!" he smiled

"Honey, I'll take your photo" Anne suggested I nodded and I lend her my phone "what you're goin' to say?" she said

"Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!" we both said as Anne snapped a photo of us, I kissed Harry on the cheek not noticing Anne was still taking our photo

"You are so cute love" she half hugged and kissed me on my cheek and handed me back my phone

"Let's cook!" Harry said excitedly, I handed him the thong and he was so so cute doing all the grilling, he was serious. I can say that he's trying to impress while in his cute apron, he winked at me.

He was really in deep concentration with his so called masterpiece, I looked at him, his hair over his face so I got my hair tie from my wrist and reached for his hair and did a bun out of it.

"Thank you!" he said politely

"I like your hair like that babe!" I never had called him babe since the day he arrived in our city "you're more beautiful than I am"

"If I were a girl, I wouldn't met you" he said concentrating on the grilling, he's now flipping some of the beef so I ran to the kitchen to get him a separate plate.

"Yummmmm!" I sniffed the barbecue "Ohh I felt hungry" I joked

"I'm nearly done" I clapped my hands, I'm so excited to taste this barbecue by Harry

I helped Harry plate the barbecue and I blanched some broccoli and placed it by the side of the plate with the barbecue. Gemma and Anne were done preparing the table and were sat now with Robin, I went to the dining and joined them as Harry made his way there, he slowly placed the plate on the table

"Tadahh!" he said, his mouth wide opened revealing almost all of his teeth

"Wow son, this one looks nice!" Robin said and got himself a piece of the meat and sliced a piece and to his mouth "perfect" he said as he swallowed "Love you should try" he looked at me

"Of course sir" I said, I took a slice and gave Harry a glare and smiled, I took a bite and I see Harry folding his arms to his chest examining my face

"Mh--hm" It was really good, this guy has great future behind him

"How do you find it?" he asked

"It's really nice Harry" I said, he blushed and giving me that dimpled smile over there, he got me.

"Why, thank you!" Harry said back feeling delighted

We all enjoyed Harry's little creation, I'm so proud of him, can I marry him just right now? I have nothing to wish for he's such a guy. After that I volunteered to do the dishes.

"Can I lend you a hand?" Harry asked

"Oh--oh thanks!" I said as I handed him some of the dinner plates

"I'll put them into the washer" Harry said as he went to the kitchen, I followed bringing some of the drinking glasses we used

"Harry, thanks for tonight's dinner" I said as I put the glasses to the dishwasher too, I turned it on to wash the plates.

"You're welcome" he said coming closer to me, planting a kiss on my forehead

"Being here is such a great experience" I added

"You are always welcome here" he said

"Thanks really" I said again

"It's done" Harry said upon hearing the beep of the dishwasher, we put the plates back to the cupboard together with the utensils, I walked out of the kitchen to the living room and sat there for a while, I got my phone and felt Harry sat beside me. I was scanning the photos that we took earlier. I smiled at the photo where he was wearing that apron, I like that photo, I want to get this one developed badly and put it on a photo album ha!, maybe something to maybe remind me to keep smiling, or maybe something to make fun of. I scanned and scanned my phone, pressing anything on it and I went through my inbox and remembered Eleanor's call, the invitation to Funky Buddha is less than three days, although she just made the call earlier this afternoon. So I turned to face Harry and I just want to tell him my decision.

"Harry" I started "I won't go with you to Funky Buddha"

"What? why?" He said

"'Coz paps will be for sure will come there if all of you does!" I said on a high whisper "but I really do want to go"

"You can come" he said "But you just got to have to ride on a separate car, act like a girl gone clubbing with your friends!, trust me they won't gatecrash the club" Harry held my hand "they won't see us" he gave me a puppy eyes look

"Okay Harry, but if those paps would enter the club then I won't be able to go near you--which will probably hurt me" I frowned.

Whatever will happen this weekend at the Funky Buddha I'm so afraid that I won't be able to go near them in case..I still worry that some paps will do the hidden camera trick to check on us. I hate this feeling, the feeling of not being safe anywhere you go if you have a full blast celebrity boyfriend, the world is going to watch whatever you do and keeps looking at your mistakes or your flaws and judge you. I hate this.

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