Chapter 3

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*Alison's pov*

Today is the day!

I woke up at about seven in the morning, I cannot contain my excitement! I will finally see Harry! I set myself up and make sure I haven't missed anything, I put on a white tee and a pair of dark skinny jeans and paired them with my thigh length coat that Harry left me, and some low cut brown boots and a beanie and dabbed some little powder, a pink lipstick and blush on, which Harry always liked.

I took the car that I borrowed from my Mum and drove myself to the airport, I felt so odd, I feel so different today, I don't even feel sick, but maybe I am just excited. But before I start the car, my phone rang and I was surprised to see who's calling; Anne, Harry's Mum. I answered the call nervously.

"Hullo?" I said with a terrible British accent

"Hi, Alison! how are you love?" she said

"Uhm-I am fine Mrs. Twist it's nice to hear from you"

"For God's sake Alison, just call me Mum!" I can feel the joy in her tone that time

"Okay Mum!" I joked. But why did she called? I haven't asked.

"Uhm-----do you need something?, I mean why did you called?" I said but I felt guilty asking that

"Nothing dear I just want to make sure you're alright, I missed you, it's been a long time since you visited us here in Cheshire" she said, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Maybe I'll see you anytime soon, I'll book a flight out there so I can join you for Christmas?" I said, but mostly asking.

"Oh but that will take you so long my dear!--we missed you so much" she replied back "Oh I have to go--I have errands" she laughed

"Bye mum" I said awkwardly then I waited for her to hung up

I put down the phone and started the car wishing that I can make it earlier to the airport, I think she just missed me a lot. I think Mrs. Twist was the most nicest person that I have ever met, the way she interact with me and to my family, now I know why she and mum both go together..


I reach the airport for about twenty minutes and I felt like I was freaking late already...I tried to dial Harry's number but there was no answer, maybe he was sleeping or maybe planning a prank?, I hate him doing pranks at me, but how can you not resist his cuteness when he really really thought he just successfully did one.

I just stood there, worrying about that cheeky bastard, dialing his number for the tenth time, but no response still. I worry because the airport entrance was crowded of girls, I can girls...I am worried that he might not be able to make his way or he might have been mobbed...

I can't figure out what's really happening to him so I waited away from the girls which crowded the entrance hall but just as I turned around, two enormous hands covered my eyes and dragged me to somewhere I don't know, I just laughed when I realized who owns them, I touched his hand and felt the rings on his left and right middle finger. He led me to a more silent place, and I suddenly felt cold wind hitting my face and realized we were already somewhere outside the airport a deserted place maybe, I can't help but smile while he was guiding me. This is one of the things that I loved and hated about him, being sweet. Wish we can stay like this forever.

"Harry!" I let out a shout when he removed his hands from my eyes he was smiling back at me and I hugged him like we never see each other for years but then immediately broke off from the hug to observe his face, he was on a complete disguise, he was wearing a mustache and a hat paired with sunglasses which he now removed, he looked like an adorable father with that mustache.

I felt like an angel was sent down from heaven to save me, he was the same beautiful guy I met three years ago. I hugged him so tight, that he can't almost breathe, he laughed and rested his chin on my head, I missed him so much, we were like that for two minutes, he danced me a little bit and broke off from the hug, and held his hand out holding both my hands, we are facing each other, I felt like I'm going to melt with those stares. Help me God!

I noticed he has grown so much...Manly...his hair grew long, as I have been seeing them around the news and he have to make them into a bun, and I remembered one time Lou Teasdale posting a photo on instagram when she braided them, Well I think I just loved this one, every single thing on this man. His smile was brighter than the sun. That smile was a different one that only me can understand, he made one of those whenever I was with him. I felt so happy.

"Oh no!" I half laughed

"What?" he smirked

"That smile! that smile! Harry, that is-----it kills me" He smiled and stared at me for seconds

"I miss you" he said

"Yeah! I-I-I miss you too Harry" I said shyly, looking down the ground. "I always want to see you Harry, I want to be always beside you" I hugged him again

"Wish we could stay like this forever, you know, no paps, no cameras, just us"

"I love you" I looked up at him

"I love you too"

I felt so different when I say those three little words to him, I don't know but you feel the heartbeat in there when you say them personally or like saying it there--face to face rather than saying them on text messages or by the phone or by skype. It's just I feel it that way, it's more special.

I didn't realized our faces were just inches apart, his nose was so close to mine and I just felt his lips pressed on my lips, I cannot resist...I kissed him back, one thing that I missed about him.

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