Chapter 9

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*Alisons pov*

Robin arrived and we resumed discussions, but this time we talked about the tour and the the upcoming album..this little family is so cute. I super thank Harry for bringing me here, he had a super cool mum and a cool step dad and a cool sister. I was bothered thinking where Gemma was so I tapped Anne gently on her knee and asked her;

"Where's Gemma?" I asked

"Gemma's on day off with her girls" Anne said

"Will she be coming for dinner?" I said "I always want to see her"

"No dear she will be back tomorrow" I frowned as she said that, I want to see that girl, she is an exact carbon copy of Harry, but plot twist was, she's the girl version, she's practically the girl you can easy to get with, I remembered when she went with Harry to L.A. we went bike riding late at night she was a crazy girl she's not what everybody thinks of like she's a very intelligent girl that's really true, she's just like a sister to me. I wish I had one.

We finished discussions and Harry asked me if we can still have a bike ride outside, he always tells me stories about Holmes Chapel so much, he missed this place. We loaded some bikes to his car and drove for few and parked by an unfamiliar place, Harry was really weird, he should've drove to that place wherever we're going to...we brought the bikes down and took the ride to somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked almost shouting because the wind was really blowing hard at my face

"Bakery" he replied almost shouting back, but he's not looking at me, he was busy looking at the road. Cute. "I want to check on the ladies in the bakery, they're like family to me." he said. This guy is so sweet, he never forgets the people who had always been part of his life as a Harry Styles.

We reached the bakery called W. Mandeville, of course we ended up again racing up to there, I like these things me and Harry sometimes had few qualities that makes us, you know matching thing.

"You lose! I won" Harry gave me an annoying laugh, but I am not really annoyed, find it cute though

"Whew!" I was panting "Harry! that was the craziest idea you had!" we parked the bikes and I grabbed his arm "w-w-w-w-wait!---I'll just--uh" I said, he was about to walk away.

"Let's go"

As we stepped inside the bakery Harry first then I followed, I didn't took his hand, I am scared of everyone finding out what we had, few fans noticed him and asked for a photograph with them, I took a seat and waited for him. Just then an old blonde woman wearing a red apron wrapped around her waist came to check what was going on, when she realized it was Harry she became excited. When the fans were gone Harry found me and asked me to go with him.

"HARRY!" the woman said excitedly

"Barbara!" Harry said

"How are you?" Barbara was really really wearing that big smile. "You've grown so much!" she said clapping her hands together as two other women came to see Harry and I too. "Who is she by the way?" Barbara asked looking at me "beautiful lady."

"This!-She is uh-Alison" Harry pulled me to his side "my girl" he said, though I blushed with those words

"Nice to meet you love" she gave me a kiss on the cheek, And offered us a seat on a little round table by their kitchen

Harry also told me stories about this bakery, and about this woman whom he treated as his second mother. Harry worked there all before he joined X-Factor and got discovered. She even taught Harry to bake, mmmmmhhh---I wonder if he does really learned.

"You know, Harry is such a nice lad--If he didn't joined X-Factor he might've been a baker!" she said we laughed at that thought

"That was before, now I want to have my own bakery" we laughed "Hey! I'm not kidding"

"Mr. Styles Bakery" I said loudly spreading my hands in the air, we laughed

The two other women made us taste some of the bread they had, and they were really good, I like the bread with some raisins and cinnamon on it, which I merely remember, Harry hated cinnamon. We also helped on the bakery, I washed some of the kitchen utensils while Harry mopped the floor, then we both helped Barbara to serve some customers. We even bought home some bread too. I had such a great time!

"So far--did you enjoyed?" Harry asked as we took a walk back to the bicycles

"Yes! yes! I really do Harry" he looked at me and stopped "Honestly, Harry--I really enjoyed here at your place and I cannot thank you enough for giving me this opportunity, I'm so lucky" he gave me a smile and walked towards me...Then...he gave me a kiss, his kiss, this time was the most passionate one. I kissed him back.

"Enough Mister!" I joked pulling off. He looked like he still wants more of that kiss "let s go back"

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