Chapter 2

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*Harry's pov*

"Harry! wake up! wake up! wake up!" Niall was shaking the bed and I threw him a pillow to shut him up.

"Shut up Niall!"

"Hey dude! you can sleep later at the plane we're going to leave about an hour!"


I sat with my eyes closed and uncovered myself from the comforters, I almost forgot, We're finally coming home from tour finishing our Australian leg! and for the first time I will be able to see Alison. I immediately ran to the bathroom shoving Zayn and Louis out of the way. I opened the shower and thought about her for seconds, I haven't seen her for four straight months because of tour, she is all I think about. I just want to be by her side, I want to hug her tight and tell her how I missed her a lot. I turned the shower off just then exactly a voice called and a knock followed. It was Louis.

"Harry? you still there? hurry up we are nearly leaving!"


We left the hotel at exactly five in the morning and I found my seat near the car's window, quiet, but I can feel the smile curved unto my lips as I shuffled mine and Alison's photos together on my phone. Just as I did so, Liam was staring at me.

"Excited ehh?" he asked patting my shoulder

"Yeah-maybe-yeah-I am" I smiled

"I see that, I can see that with your smile, that's the feeling huh, that's it!... every time? when you really do love a girl lalalalalala." Liam sang, I don't know where he gets those pieces of awful jokes.

"So Harry" Niall who was sitting at the back joined the conversation "are you going to see Alison?" He asked in his thick Irish accent

"Yeah-just thinking if I can go first to visit her then home" I said

"Probably" Liam smiled

"Lads-don't forget t' skype me when you're all home!" Niall said breaking the moment "I'm going to miss you all" he laughed "but seriously or a phone call" he said

"Don't worry Niall, I'll be the one to call you first" Zayn said to Niall in his well reserved manner

"Nobody cares Niall" Louis said on a rude tone but he was kidding, Louis was all a ball of comedy, he can turn a quiet atmosphere into a wild one.

We reached the airport in less than an hour spent on laughing and goofing around the car, and after few stop overs and airports and long hours we are finally on our final stop; Niall will be taking a ride to little town in Ireland, Louis to Doncaster, Liam to Wolverhampton, Zayn might be going to wherever Perrie was, but I am sure he's always coming home to get some sleep and he's the kind of a person who has the kind of bond with his family, while I am going to take a separate plane to Los Angeles maybe to spend some little time with Alison, which I think was more better before I flew back home to Cheshire to see Mum, Gemma and Robin. But I'd like her to come with me to join us for a little family gathering.

"I'll call you Niall!" Zayn shouted back to Niall who was already approaching the escalator

"I'll wait for you" Niall said as he waved his hand but not looking at us

"Don't forget to greet Alison for me, okay?" Liam said who was left with me

"Yes man!" Liam was tapping my back "I'll see you if we have time..gatherings!" I said back

"Yeah! yeah! you take care of yourself!" Liam said

"Greet me for Sophia too!" I said back as I returned back the pat..

The rest..we all exchanged manly hugs with each other and seeing them leave one by one back to their families or girlfriends. Me and Liam were the last ones who I guess will be leaving, but soon enough he left and I board the plane in no time with few securities with me, we always have securities, so I can say that I am not literally alone. As we board the plane I saw few paps, paps are always there, I don't know but they liked me so much, and it's all because of them why I have to be careful on seeing Alison. So I thought adding a bit of twist in our meeting may do, I brought some disguise props with me so I am ready to walk away anytime..

I don't know what's really going to happen these next few days, I have been going out and about with my friends who were mostly girls and most of them were just for some business and some were invitations for parties and whatever occasions and the paps are thinking am courting everyone of them, which I do really to make them confused about my real status. But one thing is for sure, I had only one lady in my life and she's got everything I have been looking for in a girl, period.

I boarded the plane and walked to the aisle of the plane while a lady attendant assisted me to my seat, I asked her to give me a bottle of water, then rested my head and after few minutes I was sleeping on the plane.

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