Chapter 5

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*Alison's pov*

Mum was very happy to see Harry again, she even helped us bring Harry's luggage to the guest room, and led us to the living room for some tea, she's the sweetest Mum ever!

"Here Harry, you must drink some tea, It will help you renew your energy from your trip" she said continuously as she brought down the cups and poured some tea from her tiny pot. "how's tour?" she added though I found it kinda lame for Harry, well not to mention--I asked the same earlier.

"Oh-it's fine" Harry said. I watched him answer mum, it's like he's nervous about Mum's interview thing

"Good to hear son! you must tell us your stories, we always want to hear from you" above all of the people mum was the most excited.

I listened to them as they chit chat about Harry and the four other boy's tour, Harry was always eager when the topic was all about his career, I can see that he was passionate about what he was doing, I like that Harry. Mum asked more questions, and we just laughed about Harry doing impressions of sounds while he was telling us his stories while they were on tour in Australia, he was such a cutie pie.

"I'll leave you two first" mum finally said after long minutes of discussing some of our future plans the next few days.

I grabbed the remote control and stuck my head on Harry's shoulder, switched on the TV and tried to close my eyes for a second. Just as I shut my eyes I felt his hands brushing on my arms, I smiled, I wish he didn't see that.

"Are you tired?" I said with my eyes closed

"Not really" he said....I adjusted myself on the couch to hug him, I even tried to join my hands as I do it but it seems, Harry has grown more.

"Time for Lunch!" mum called from the kitchen, seems like she made a roasted chicken earlier, when I met Harry at the airport....we can tell it both by our nostrils. We both stared at each other and yelled "CHICKEN!" and raced to the kitchen were Mum was waiting. I realized how stupid we looked like to be doing those sort of things in our age.

We finished the so good meal and continued to our dessert, cookies! mhhhh! we both love cookies!...while we were taking our dessert. Harry broke the silence...what was he thinking???

"Uh-Mrs. Stewens" Harry said, I think he was about to tell about our trip to Cheshire the next next morning "I just want to ask you if Alison could go with me to Cheshire the day after tomorrow" mum's mouth flung open. I only wish she or dad would allow us..I really want to go to Cheshire.

"The day after tomorrow? that's quite a rush huh?" she was a bit suspicious about what he just told her

"Yeah--if--if--you would allow her to come, but if not--it's okay"

"Why of course you can!" mum said, maybe she had realized I am no more a five year old kid anymore..and cry when she goes out if sight "but promise me--take care of my daughter while you were out there" you can see the worry on her face but I know she had so much trust on Harry. But whew! thanks mum, I want to hug her right now.

"Don't worry Mrs. Stewens, I will look before your daughter, I promise you" Harry said.

Before drama was about to take place, a familiar voice called our attention, dad's home from country golf club, he does gold every weekend and sometimes I go with him, he taught me how to play golf, he's an expert.

"Charlotte? I'm home!" we heard his quick heavy footsteps and the ringing of his keys on his hand to the kitchen, until he turned to see us and gave us a shocked and excited expression when he realized who was there with us.

"Harry!" he was very excited to see Harry, Harry stood up to greet him, shook hands and exchanged manly hugs.

"Hi sir!" Harry greeted

"How are you?"

"I'm very very fine---so how's the golf stuff going?" Harry asked with such interest on him.

"It's fine son!--let's talk about you! how was everything huh?" they took a seat by the couch, mum and I followed suit after putting the plates inside the dishwasher

After many more discussions and a bunch of chattering, Harry fell asleep on the couch while we were watching movies that afternoon, we don't feel like going anywhere, I guess he was more than tired, by the look in his face, but he always seem comfortable with us. I brushed his now long curly hair, oh boy, I won't get tired of looking at him, his adorable face.

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