Chapter 21

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*Alison's pov*

I am soooooooooooo back in L.A. and I have nothing to do but wait for a call from my regular job that I got after Take Me Home Tour, it's been a long while and I miss Harry soooo much! relax myself from any worry or missing, I decided to go out shopping with Tracy Brooks, my best budd on every adventure I go, I met her at the salon that I used to work into, she's a half-English too, Tracy was the eldest among her siblings, unfortunately she lost both her parents from a car crash and left with their Aunt Isabel who lives in L.A. for almost half her life, but all I can say this girl was the bravest person that I ever met.

Tracy and I both got a cab to the shopping center here in L.A. which I think was good idea, I want to take a walk outside so I could explore places and probably wanna get lost for a moment, we walked each and past another store and stopped by Topshop to check on some new clothes.

"How's Harry?" Tracy asked as we shuffled the clothes that was hanged in groups of different colors

"I spoke to him the other day and I hope he's fine, they were terribly doing promotions here and there and I worry a lot about him" I stopped and made a serious face

"I've gone through channels this morning and their faces were everywhere!"

"I missed him--really--" I said frowning, Tracy tapping my shoulder making sure I am alright

We both paid for the dresses we got and I only got that black dress that I really really loved and stepped out of the store and took a cab to some fast food, mhhhhhhh foooooooooooood! we paid the cab and walked towards the food stands and checked on each menu and had few stops to check on something unusual, I remember Harry, when we go out on a date he always took me to some high-end looking restaurants but I sometimes ended up pulling him into McDonalds, poor Harry!, but I know he likes it there, I always wish we were kids again.

We stopped by a burger stand where they said to be having the very best burgers and fries we took a seat and we began to giggle about random stuff we talked about and have some good laugh about them, we were having a good time when something went ringing in my bag, it's Mrs. Johannsen the salon owner or shall I say my boss? I quickly answered my phone, she was asking me to get back to work the first thing in the morning and I am so excited about it!

The next morning, I woke up with a constant vibration of my phone on top of the lamp table beside my bed, I felt the phone as I was so lousy underneath the comforters I put the phone on my ear and never knew who was it, I just jolted when I heard the familiar voice who I always wanted to hear every now and then. It's Harry his husky tone making the blood in my body to circulate as fast as it should be.

"Hi" Harry said in a high pitched voice

"Oh--sorry Harry" I said

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, I am actually going to be back to work this morning"

"Oh-that's good to hear-so what are you doing just now?"

"Well actually--I'd like to thank you for waking me up soooo early in the morning", I sat on the edge of the bed and found my watch on the lamp table and checked the time, it was five thirty in the morning.

"Hahaha--did you forgot to set the alarm clock I gave you?" he joked, I remember that alarm clock he gave me, I don't exactly remember when but he likes giving me presents even without nothing to celebrate, that's Mr. Styles.

"I forgot!" I said back, looking at it, it was a small pink digital clock that rested on top of my lamp table.

"So? can I say goodbye for now?" he has to end the call sooooo fast? I frowned, I hate him.


"We're going for an interview this morning and be back by about--uhhh---after lunch"

"Okay Harry, I have to go too!--I love you Harry! take care yourself" I said kissing the phone, I heard him laugh

"I loooooooooove you" he said highly

"Bye Harry"

"Bye Ali"

Thanks to Harry for starting my day, I wish I could see him again and do some of the things we did in Cheshire just two weeks ago. I sped to the bathroom to take a bath and got on to my usual outfit, I still had plenty of time to put on some color on my face since the salon is just more or less a fifteen minute travel. I went straight to the kitchen to grab some breakfast but as usual Mum was busying herself on some sandwiches and handed me one, dad came to the kitchen too to join us in his blue long sleeved shirt his necktie undone and buttoning his shirt, he's going to work that early. I bid goodbye to them and rode to work, I hope this is going to be a good start again.

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