Chapter 35

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*Alison's pov*

Euro Disney finally! I am so happy that Harry brought me to Paris for my birthday and with the four boys and their girlfriends.

"Where do you want to take a ride first?" Harry asked, our hands intertwined.

We walked and walked and walked to find some rides that we can maybe enjoy, all of us, I pointed him a train ride, I pulled the sleeve of his coat so he would not refuse. The others followed suit, we took the middle seat, Zayn and Perrie were just behind us, Lou and El, then Liam and Sophia and Niall who was single, rode the carriage in front of us.

The train ride started and it moved with a right speed, allowing everyone to relax, I rested my head on Harry's shoulder, I closed my eyes and feel the air hit my face. I think I went like that for about ten minutes. That train ride was not anything usual, it moved around to somewhere else which had many attractive sceneries, went into a cave and to some any hidden parts of the park.

I found that train ride relaxing, we hopped from a ride to another and to another. Niall taking random videos of us in his phone while we walked to some kind of avenue where Disney princesses can be found, I found Snowhite's seven dwarfs selling apples covered with chocolate, I bought one and both Harry and I pretended to act like we're being poisoned, the others laughing at us, I love this moment.

We got our way to Winnie the Pooh's house and I met Pooh literally, I shook hands with him while the others did the same and we made a group photo with him. Since we have so so many time we dared each other to hunt for either Mickey or Minnie Mouse, and whoever loses, would treat everyone for lunch.

We went separate ways to find Minnie and Mickey, moments later Zayn and Perrie texted and told us they had found Mickey Mouse, so we continued looking for Minnie Mouse, too late Louis and El found Minnie, and all was left finding was Liam, us and Niall, whoever runs last to the target place would be the one who will treat everyone for lunch. Since me and Harry were just around the place we ran first, then Liam and Sophia, then Niall came last, we all laughed at Niall who was very very sorry about himself for not finding Minnie or Mickey. We're a bunch of crazy and weird young people.

We found a fast food near the entrance of the park and we're lucky about the place with less people on it. We got into our seats, Harry beside me, and beside us were Louis and El, and across us were Perrie and Zayn and of course Niall who was in charge of the food sat next to them, so we ordered our food while Liam and Zayn stood up to give Niall a hand of the handful of orders we were about to take, while we wait for the food, we had a good laugh of what happened earlier. This was the best birthday I've ever had.

"How did you find Paris Alison?" Perrie asked me

"This place is amazing!--full of color--and amazing people" I said

"I am glad to know" she smiled, I smiled back at her too "There are so many nice places here, and have you been to the tower?"

"Yes--it was beautiful, the city lights and the breeze up there was--" I said back to Perrie

"The views' breath taking" Eleanor added, she's been listening to us with Sophia and Louis

I looked at Harry who was staring at me all the time ever since we arrived at the park, I wonder what's on his mind.

"Harry--is there something wrong with my face?" I said

"What? no--nothing" Perrie giggled from across the table along with the other girls..there's really something hah

The food finally arrived, Niall holding the tray with him and the other tray handed by Zayn and Liam on the other. Each one grabbed their food and we're chatting all the way.

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