Chapter 27

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*Alison's pov*

I was in a hurry walking past the streets back home this morning, by the fact that I left my wallet anywhere else, I tried finding it but I found my phone ringing by the table beside my bed which I forgot too, I wonder who bothers to call me too early in the morning aside from Harry or any else it's him...

I picked up my phone and never bother who's calling, I only realized it was Lou Teasdale who's ringing my phone, I wonder why she called, what is it anyway I don't bother, I miss this woman.

"Hello Alison love! how are you?" she was very excited, I felt my heart pound fast and my hands cold

"I am completely fine--I am actually on my way to work!" I said excitedly and found the corner of the bed to take a seat

"Oh--sorry dear"

"No it's fine--I miss you Lou! how was Lux?"

"She's grown so much since the last time you saw her, she's heavier now.." she said "oh-by the way I called because I want to ask you something"

Whatever she wants to ask me, I felt nervous, I don't know if I can do it or handle anything she would ask me, I am completely bothered by the fact.

"Sure..what's that?" I tried to calm myself

"Ahhh--I'd like you---" she paused "to come on tour with us and be my assistant again!"

Wow! she asked me? I can't contain my excitement. But I remembered something that made me think twice about this.

"I am going to think of it Lou--but thank you very much, you know how much it means to me when you asked this--"

I know that I need to be careful this time, last time when Eleanor asked us to Funky Buddha I said yes but now I have to think twice about everything or else my world's gonna flip upside down.

"Please don't--I am really hoping that you would take my offer"

"Okay Louise--thank you very much"

I hanged up the phone, got my wallet and ran to my car. As I drove, I was completely bothered about Lou's offer over and over again, I mean who's ever gonna throw that opportunity away--traveling the whole world is such an opportunity, I am a complete idiot if I refuse...But the relationship with Harry...I think no one's going to know? I am completely bothered, I am going to ask Harry.


"Hi Love!" I skyped Harry this afternoon after coming from work to ask him about Lou's offer..

"Hi love!--I miss you!" he pouts

"I miss you too!" I said and I put a sad face on him "Harry--"

"What's with the sad face?"

"Louise called me this morning and she asked me to come in tour with you guys--and I am so confused of what should I do--"

"What did you said?"

"I don't actually know what to say..I just said I'll think of it"

"Ali it's a job--why don't you---"

"But Harry" I cut him "Look--if I would say yes to her and come on tour with you..I don't think we could hide anymore" I frowned

"You have a point--but why would we let anyone know?"

"I don't know--I am afraid" as always I am still afraid to let everyone know about me, I am afraid of any consequences that might happen in the future, especially his fans--the death threats, I don't think I can.

"But--you can come love, it's---you know--we're traveling and we'll never miss each other" he smiled, I am pleased

"I am going to think about that love, I want to come, but I am bothered about the fact that everyone would know about us"

"You think about that love--it's your career we're talking all about here, you have less than three months to think about this"

"Thanks Harry--I love you"

"No problem-I love you" he acts like he tried to make up with his phone again, I like him when he does that he makes me less worried

"Bye love" I said laughing at him

"Okay bye" he pouted his lips again

"You take a rest--I love yooooouuuuu!"

"You too--Love you too Ali"

We both hanged up, I have heard his opinion and maybe I am thinking that I can go, but we should be careful. I have less than three months to think about.

I laid on the bed staring and scrolling past the recent calls that I have received and one of them were Lou Teasdale's, I am so confused of what am I going to tell her..but I hope she understand, I hope I hope I hope, I selected her number and thinking over and over if I should go or what..I ended up staring at my phone with Lou's number and ended sleeping.

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