Chapter 34

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*Harry's pov*

I can see that Alison is having a great time with me here in Paris, I wish that my plans would work as planned.

We rode back to the hotel to have some rest. By the time we got to our hotel room I threw myself unto the bed without changing my clothes, Alison following suit by my side and hugged me and pecked my cheek. Of course we didn't did anything--I have so much respect to her and to anybody around her.

"Thank you again love--for bringing me here" she buried her head on my chest, as I brushed her hair helplessly with my fingers.

"You're welcome" I whispered to her

It was just the two of us in this empty hotel room and spending the night away talking about everything, until we fell asleep.


"Good morning love!" I heard a familiar sweet voice when I first opened my eyes, Alison was standing there in front of me wearing an old rose spaghetti strap shirt and adjusting her curls in front of her

"Morning!" I sat slowly from the bed to regain my dizziness and stood up and hugged her

"Hurry up--we have breakfast served" she said as she pat my arms and letting go of her "you follow--okay?"

I brushed my hair with my bare hands and followed her to the dining, where she waited for me, she was busy doing something with her phone.

"What are you doing? I asked her, taking a seat by her side and looking at her phone

"Checking news--showbiz"

"You bother reading them?" I said as I spooned some rice to her plate and to mine, she puts her phone down to the side of her plate, sported an egg to her mouth.

"I just want to make sure no one knows where we are" wow! she's serious?

"Don't worry" I said "no one would know"

"How did you know?"

"Nahh--they wouldn't find out if I put on my old man disguise" I laughed "but seriously, if we were careful about going out and about, I think no one would"

Alison got my hand and smiled at me, I know that she knows how much I want to protect her every time and I don't want her being hurt all because of me.

"Where do you want to go for your birthday?" I asked

"Oh--tomorrow's my birthday! I almost forgot!" she basically hated herself for forgetting that "uhm--I want to go--to--"

She was still processing her answer when I cut her "do want to go to Euro Disney?" I asked as I took a spoonful of rice into my mouth

"Euro Disney!--of course" her eyes glistened

"You want to go there?"

"Yes-yes-I'd love to--wherever you want"

"Is it okay if the other boys and their girlfriends would join us?"

"They're all here?" she asked like searching for everyone in the room "That would be fun Harry--I think" she gave me one of the best smiles she can give me

I am so glad that she always like to go wherever I offered her to..I am so close to making my plans for her and for the future. Thanks God.

When we finished our breakfast, a housekeeper came to put out the leftovers while Alison excused herself to take a shower. I am so happy now, I cannot explain. I went to my bag and shoved the shirts from my bag and got a tiny red box, I opened it revealing a diamond ring which I bought while we're on the road doing promotions, which the boys helped me to find, I am so happy that these lads were there for one another, they're more than brothers for me.

I returned the box back on my bag just in time Alison showed inside the room. wiping her hair.

"Harry, aren't you taking your bath?" she asked as I returned my shirts back to my bag

"Oh-I was about to" I said

"I'll fix your things for you" she offered

"No-no-no-I'm done" I stopped her from touching just my bag, I'm afraid that she'd know about this, I continued putting my shirts back in order inside my bag to assure her that I put my things back properly.

"Okay" she sat beside me, her hair were wet and messy behind her "Where are we going today?"

"It's your free day--wherever we want!" I said to her "I'll just take my bath and we'll go" I pointed at her

"Okay" I drew her closer and kissed her cheek

I quickly took a bath and it didn't took fifteen minutes. I went to the bedroom only with my pants on and found Alison's blower near the lamp on top of the table. I opened it and brushed my hair with my fingers. As I tried to dry my hair, I felt someone tickled my side with her fingers I almost got a heart attack only knowing it was only Alison. She's good to go wearing a gray Iron Maiden shirt and over it was a black cardigan her favorite pants and wearing her socks and a pair of slippers.

"Come here" she said "I'd dry your hair" she said, I missed her messing with my hair, it's been a long time since she did blow dried my hair

I sat on the bed as she got a brush and turn the blower on, man the way she held the blow dryer was too professional, and for about ten minutes my hair was done and I thanked her for doing this. She lend me the mirror so I could have a good look at my hair, and I liked it. I gave her a hug for doing my handsome look.

We spent the day to explore more of Paris, we spent a whole lot of time walking, chatting and eating and goofing around the streets, Alison pulling me for some photos.


It's already the seventh and it's Alison's birthday today, so before she wakes up I called up someone from the hotel's kitchen to make a cake for her, I asked for a simple blueberry cheesecake which I remembered was her favorite, I had my greetings placed on top of the cake. I took a shower and waited for the cake to come.

Just in time as Alison woke up, I heard her finding me as I stayed by the mini kitchen of the hotel room, I heard her voice coming to the kitchen, I lifted the cake and surprised her.

"Happy Birthday!" I said

"Wow! you really have a cake for me!" she cupped her hands over her mouth "Thank you love!" she went closer to me

"You may now blow your candles, but you first make a wish" I held the cake under her nose and she blew the candles

I put the cake down and asked her for a photo with it, after that she immediately went to the cupboard for some saucers and forks, we both ate the cake seriously for breakfast together with a healthy sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

"We'll leave for Euro Disney after this" I told her slicing a piece of cake

"Now?" she said

"After this" I smiled

"Didn't I told you yesterday?" I laughed

"Oh! but you didn't told me what time we're leaving"

I was surprised when she got up hurriedly and ran to the bathroom, she spent half an hour preparing herself. It was half past eight when she told me she's ready, she's wearing a white button down shirt, her black pants a pair of her black Chelsea boots and her beige coat with a black beanie on top of her head.

We arrived in Disneyland for less than an hour, the boys met us by the entrance, Zayn was with Perrie, Liam with Sophia, Louis with El and Niall all by himself, I am so glad that they made it as planned.

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