Chapter 14

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*Harry's pov*

Mum, Robin, Gemma, Alison and I played scrabble for a while, I think we were pretty much bonded while playing this game, I always liked scrabble more than anything else and I am happy that Alison was always there to try everything I do, I am so thankful she's that person.

"Wahhhhhh! I won I won!" Gemma said sticking her tongue out laughing, she's looked like that little girl who won on something

After letting Gemma won that scrabble game, I don't know what mum just thought that made her go to their bedroom and then back to the living room to join us, she came back with a box, a box full of stuff. We watched her as she opened the box and pulled out a photo album...I covered my face when I learned it was my baby album.

"No" I said, they laughed

"Here, let's look at these" she began "Alison come nearer"

Alison moved her seat beside mum, we let mum sat between the two of us, while Robin and Gemma sat on the couch behind us

Mum began scanning the album and smiled like a real proud mum at my photo sleeping on a crib wearing a tiny baby clothe, an innocent baby.

"This was Harry's first month" she said

"Awwwww-look at you, sooooo cute" Alison reached for my face and poked my cheek

"That was before, it's more different now" I joked

Mum went through my baby album, it was full of my face, we laughed on few stories behind those photographs and it is amazing that mum can still recall them. After finishing my baby album we checked out Gemma's, then to our toddler photos, the first photo was I think, that was the first time I went to school. I was wearing a blue some kind of called a suit worn over a polo with a little necktie on it and a knee level shorts with a high rise socks. Alison smiled over my photos, she was really really cute watching them, she even took a photo of them and made it as her background theme. Sweet girl.

"Look Harry!" she showed me her phone. I smiled, I like the thing she does, like she takes a photo of me then puts them on her background. She showed it to mum to who kissed her lightly on the cheek, my family likes her.

We continued over to some of our family photos, and mum carefully muttered out the names of each person on the photographs. Then we went on to some old stuff which surprisingly mum has kept, she held out a video CD which had a label on it saying: 'Harry's first birthday,' we watched the tape and I can see everybody was enjoying that, but thankfully they were not making fun of my face anymore, Gemma decided to go to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Chips?" Gemma asked everyone who was now watching a video of all of us by a pool. No one answered, but I nodded then she puts the chips down on the table. We watched every single video having fun of our faces.

I guess we spent the whole afternoon watching those videos and found ourselves asleep on the living room, Mum and Alison were close together sleeping soundly by the table sporting the same place when we arrived, Gemma was sleeping on my shoulder and Robin who's mouth flung open when he sleeps beside Gemma. I woke up before anybody else does, I adjusted Gemma and I tiptoed to the door leaving my little family there, good thing I still got the keys in my pocket, I drove to the grocery to pick up maybe some food for dinner, maybe grilled is more leggit.

I entered the grocery store alone and I think it's a bad idea, terrible idea, but I think I was safe so I rushed to the meat section and grabbed some beef and a broccoli and paid them by the counter, some girls noticed me and they were all like crowding the place all at once, I immediately called some security guards to help me out. Very bad idea.

I ran back to the car before anyone else will give an eye on me. I opened my phone and read I had five missed calls from mum and three from Alison. Did I just made them worry?, I opened some messages and they were all from Alison saying "Harry where are you?" the text message were repeated about five times and the last message was "Please answer :(" I called Alison and she answered.

"Hello?" she said

"Hi, I'm sorry if I left, I grabbed food for dinner"

"Are you alright?" was her question, she was very calm, but worried.

"I am completely fine" I lied, I am not planning to tell her what happened, but I think my photo would be flashing everywhere, I gave a second thought and told her what happened earlier "Okay--I--I went to the grocery to get some meat for barbecue then few fans recognized me and then they were like crowding the whole place and I called a security to pull me out.."

"Harry--next time--don't go without any body guard or anyone else with you, we don't know what's going to happen with you..please don't do that again" she was very worried. I hate myself.

"I'm sorry" I know she's serious, but I don't want her worrying so I assured her I am safe. "I'm fine--don't worry" I started the car and drove back home.

After few minutes I pulled into the driveway I was surprised to see Alison by the driveway, she must be waiting for me. I parked and she just waited there patiently, as I went down the car, she embraced me. I can say she's worried, really.

"Sorry" I said, she didn't say anything, we went straight into the kitchen and she helped me prepare some barbecue, mum and Gemma were already by the grill place heating the coal, while Robin got a table were we can put down some of our stuff we used for cooking.

Alison was--I think the type of a person who will not probably be the person who would start a fight if the problem was not really that big, she's a patient woman, I know she is..

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