The unforgiving forgotten

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If you had really thought that deeply
Then you would know what to say

You made up an image of me
That you truly feared the most
And you blamed me infront of my eyes
Getting torn from the reality

You really loved to confront me
And shout on me for all the things
You  selfishly made up in your head
Desperately thinking you know me
Desperately worrying and begging

But you did not see my true glance
My eyes disappointed I always threw at you
Seeing the one who created me
Completely disown my existence
And make it your own difficulty

I saw all your disgusted looks
That did not even belong to me
You were afraid of your own imagination
And you let it completely destroy you
Along with myself

Yet you still wonder why I won't talk to you

Pieces of meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora