Chapter 2: Encounter

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When one listens to a song, we're driven to dance, to sing, or to close our eyes and dream. When we hear the beat, the individual instruments used to compose the song we love, we grow to be more appreciative. All the magic used to compose the world's most loveliest love songs.

My name is Kim Jennie. I grew up as a child prodigy. My special talents and abilities ranging from singing, composing music to mastering Beethoven's Fur Elise on the Grand Piano at the age of nine. Although I don't play the piano anymore due to my interest in the clarinet which I mastered playing at the age of eleven. I was determined to play every instrument that made up an orchestra. I loved the idea of mastering songs that composed the most beautiful of symphonies.

But something strange happened when I turned the age of thirteen. Without touching the keys of the Grand Piano in my parents home, I could hear the music in the dead of silence. It came to me, first just the melodies, then the notes began to appear.

I followed the notes along with my eyes as they danced around the Grand Piano. I could hear every song ever made that day. It came and gone as I passed random people. But there was never a song for me. If there was, I couldn't hear it. But I heard her song. Lisa Manoban's.

I heard every song ever composed when I walked past her. Like today, the way I saw her waiting outside her class. I heard it. The song

'I can't help falling in love with you.' I didn't know what it meant. I just listened. The way the tune spoke to my heart. It was like this all the time. Every time I was near her, a different love song would play.

I couldn't make sense of it all. But the songs became softer, more meaningful. They became elaborate symphonies and I couldn't help myself. I fell in love with the music that radiated around her. I wanted to be part of her symphony.


"You're staring again." Jennie's cousin ( but is already like a brother to her ) Taeyoung, said. "What song do you hear this time?" He asked. "Beethoven's Melody of Love." Jennie said softly. "She looks like a painting. I can't quite put my finger on it." Taeyoung said.

"An oil painting. Yes, she looks like a girl who'd be painted in an oil painting." Jennie said. Brown eyes caught hers from across the room. They didn't turn away from her gaze. Eyes that seemed to say hello had drawn Jennie deeper into their depths. Well that is until Taeyoung had successfully snapped the younger girl out of her thoughts.

"You were staring too hard and she caught you." Taeyoung whispered to Jennie. Jennie blushed madly. "I worry about you Jen. I know you're trying to make friends, but staring at them isn't going to establish a 'hello' Go talk to her." He pushed Jennie gently. By the time Jennie had looked back at the direction of Lisa, the young girl had disappeared into the classroom.

"Where did she go?" Jennie asked. The music had stopped. "She went into her classroom, which is also something I must do. Talk to her Jennie, maybe she'll tell you why you keep hearing the songs you hear from her." He bid his cousin-like- sister adieu. Jennie hurried across the hall and peaked through the window.

As he said, she had walked into her classroom. Lisa stood near the back of the class, her eyes set on the blank canvas. Jennie was captured by the way she looked. Like a still painting, and she grew mesmerized. There it was again, the sound of music.

A love tune in motion as the notes danced around the walls of the Art room. Jennie listened carefully. The words, all explained the meaning of love without using the word itself. The melodies that began to bounce off the walls and underneath the door. Jennie was in awe. Only Lisa could make the notes do that.

"We're staring are we? Some people might find it odd for a girl like you to do so." Jennie turned her head to see a tall thin young man smiling at her. That young man happened to be the man her parents had betrothed her to. Kim Jongin, or as his 'friends' call him... Kai.

She could hear it, the unsettling music that reflected his thoughts. The notes were uncomfortably scattered around his body. He seemed all over the place. But just like Jennie, he too was a classical music prodigy growing up. A master piano player as labeled.

"I think it's time we speak to one another Jennie. We are engaged after all." He gently took a hold of her arm. "Smile for me dear. I don't want people to think otherwise." He said. Jennie smiled shyly but kept her gaze to the ground. "Look at me Jennie." He lifted her chin and met her gaze.

"Think of this engagement as the beginning of a great symphony. Oh what great music we'll make, the stars we'll be." He stepped closer to her. "And more." He husked, leaning forward. The action gave Jennie quite a scare as she pulled away quickly and opened the door to the Art room, stumbling inside. Kai laughed and entered the room.

"Running away from me?" He asked, moving closer to Jennie. "There you are. You're late." A voice said. Jennie turned her head quickly to look for the owner of the voice. It was none other than Lisa Manoban. The girl with long brown hair, a mole on the right side of her face and round spectacles to bring out her big brown eyes.

"You're modeling for me aren't you?" Lisa asked. Jennie was for a loss of words as the sudden sound of music flooded the room, and all because of Lisa. "We discussed it yesterday." Lisa said and gently took a hold of Jennie's hand. She turned to face Kai.

"Excuse me sir, but we're about to start. Will you please excuse us?" Lisa said kindly. Kai licked his lips. "Of course. I'll see you later, Jennie." He said and walked out the door. " Jennie. As in Kim Jennie? The child prodigy?" Lisa asked and looked at the older girl. Jennie gently removed her hand from Lisa's and blushed.

"I've heard a lot about you. Will you do the honors of being my model this year? I find your features to be most appealing." Jennie had found the feeling of her heart beat along with the music to be overwhelming. "Are you alright Jennie?" Lisa asked.

Jennie shook her head lightly. These kind of interactions, human interactions gave her anxiety. It was one thing to be part of the orchestra and one thing to be the Maestro. She felt like the Maestro right now, in charge of her own movements, her own thoughts.

"Here." Lisa gently took a hold of Jennie's hand and led her to the couch. "Sit. Take a deep breath." Lisa said softly. The music became softer. Jennie could hear it along with the beating of her heart. This moment, innocent. The music said it all. "I'm Lalisa Manoban by the way." Lisa said and held out her hand.

Jennie found herself looking up, meeting the young girl's gaze. She was just as beautiful up close. A still painting. The composer of music so fair to Jennie's ears. She shook Lisa's hand gently. "It's nice to meet you." She said and smiled.

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