Chapter 8: Bravery

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"So what do you want to talk about? Must be important by how far we walked." Lisa said. Jennie sighed and entered a store. She didn't know how to say the words she wanted to say when her heart said otherwise.

"Jennie what are we doing here?" Lisa asked. The girls walked down the aisles, silently looking at the products on the shelf. They came upon a shelf with teddy bears. Jennie picked up the teddy bear and smiled. Lisa watched the older girl's actions. It was cute. She was....cute.

"Are you going to buy it?" Lisa asked. Jennie sighed and shook her head. "I have no need for it." Lisa wrinkled her nose. She may have no need for it, but it was clear she wanted it.

"Let's go, we have much to discuss." Jennie said. "You go ahead outside. I need to use the restroom." Lisa said. Jennie looked down at the young girl's crotch. She wondered how it worked with her. Did she use the men's room or the girl's.

"There's a family bathroom you know, if you're so curious." Lisa said. Jennie blushed and turned on her heels, walking out of the store. Minutes past and Mina stood outside impatiently.

'What's taking her so long? Oh god, what if she's? No she wouldn't fuck another girl while I'm here....waiting. Maybe I should go check on her.' Jennie thought. As soon as she turned around she jumped. Lisa held the teddy bear up to her face.

"Here you go." Lisa said. Jennie was speechless. Hadn't she told the young girl she wasn't in any need of it. "I told you I-"

"I know you wanted it. So just take it." Lisa said. Jennie took the teddy bear and bowed, thanking the girl. "So what do you want to talk about?" Lisa asked.

"Not here." Jennie said. "Fine." Lisa grabbed Jennie's wrist and dragged her into an alleyway. "Talk. I've gotta get back to Seulgi." Lisa said impatiently.

"What we did this morning." Jennie breathed out. "Oh. So you'd like to go further huh?" Lisa asked and smirked. "That's not what I'm saying." Jennie growled. "Then what are you saying?" Lisa asked and invested forward. Jennie stepped back, her back pressed against the brick wall.

"We can't do anything further. Nor do what we did this morning ever again. I won't accept your advances." Jennie said and held her head high. Lisa chuckled and stepped closer again, leaving no space between them.

"Really? What if I do this?" Lisa leaned forward and closed her eyes. To her surprise she felt something soft against her lips, but it wasn't another pair of lips. She opened her eyes to see the teddy bear against her lips. She blushed and pulled away.

'She really just kissed me using her teddy bear.' Lisa thought. Jennie let out a breath and looked away. "So you really won't take my advances. Well I'll tell you one thing Kim." She turned Jennie's face to face her.

"I always get what I want." She said and turned on her heels. Before the young girl could walk away, Jennie grabbed her wrist.

"Not this time Manoban. Remember as I told you, I'm not the same girl you bullied years ago. I will hold ground. And if you think for one second that I will just hand over my virginity to you. Then you're wrong." Jennie said sternly. Lisa chuckled.

"But my sweet Jennie. I know you will." Lisa said. She removed her arm and wrist from the older girl's grasp. "You coming? Irene must be waiting for you." Lisa said. Jennie bit the inside of her cheek.

That cockiness had made her annoyed. And yet, it had seemed that she couldn't get enough. She followed the younger girl back to the park.


"Ah, you two came back. Thought we'd have to get a room for ourselves." Irene said and grazed her hand over Seulgi's bulge. Jennie and Lisa looked at one another then back at the girls. "We didn't do anything." Jennie said.

"No? What's the teddy bear for? Went on a date?" Seulgi asked. Jennie put the teddy bear behind her back. "Fuck off. It wasn't a date. We just had a conversation. Didn't we Jennie." Lisa snaked her hand over Jennie's ass and squeezed lightly making Jennie gasp. Lisa smirked. She knew Jennie would give in in no time.

"Hey Jennie, we're going bowling tonight. You should come." Seulgi said. Lisa glared at the girl. "Oh bowling! That would be so much fun!" Irene squealed.

"Bowling? Aren't there better things to do?" Jennie asked and swatted Lisa's hand off her ass. "Don't be like that. Come on Jennie, you're not the same boring girl from years ago, am I right?" Lisa said. Jennie scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I'm sure Irene will enjoy it." Lisa leaned into Jennie. "Three cocks." She whispered. Jennie's eyes widened. "She's not going without me." Jennie snapped. "Great." Seulgi said and grinned.

"Good. It'll be nice to see you two." Lisa said and smiled. "Irene let's go." Jennie ordered. The girl stopped when she felt Lisa tug at her teddy bear.

"What are you doing?" She snapped. "You still want it?" Lisa asked. "Don't touch him." Jennie said and turned on her heels, grabbing Irene's hand, dragging her along with her.

"What did you talk about?" Seulgi asked. "Nothing much. Seulgi, I think Jennie's more curious than she already is. And we're about to fuel her curiosity tonight." Lisa said as they watched both girls get into a cab.

"What did you two talk about Miss?" Irene asked. Jennie bit her lip. "It wasn't much of a conversation was it? More like a confrontation with one another. "Why did you agree to go bowling with them? You don't know what they're capable of." Jennie snapped.

"They mean no harm. And besides, it's been a while since I've been laid. Aren't you curious what Lisa can do with that big cock?" Irene said and smirked. Jennie scoffed. Yes. Yes she was curious.

A/N: Thanks for reading

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