Chapter 15: Pregnancy Accepted

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"That's not it." Lisa said annoyed. "What do you mean? You don't even know the-."

"Of all the colors Seulgi." Lisa said cutting Seulgi off. "We don't even know the gender of the baby yet! This is a neutral color!" Seulgi said frustrated. "It's White! The baby deserves a colorful room."

"It's your parent's house!" Seulgi raised her voice. "Well they're not alive to stop me are they?" Lisa spat. Seulgi grew silent. Seulgi put back the paint pallet and sighed. "You're really going for this huh?" She asked.

"What am I supposed to do? Just let Jennie raise my child with that Classical Music fucker Kai? I'm going to take responsibility. Take in Jennie and the baby. Raise the baby."

"Marry Jennie?" Seulgi asked. Lisa grew silent. "You two are basically soul mates. You won't admit that you like each other. But you don't have to because it's evident that you do. I'm not talking about through sex, but the small things. Those subtle glances you give one another. The way you smile when I mention Jennie. You told me that you started to hear music, music that reminded you of her. Music that sounded like symphonies. She's your symphony Lisa. Don't let her be someone else's." Seulgi said.

Lisa soaked in those words and sighed. It was true. Jennie was her symphony. She sighed and picked up a teddy bear. Pressing a button on the bear, it began to play classical music making Lisa smile. "Hey doesn't Jennie already have a bear?" Seulgi asked. Lisa nodded.

"Yeah, but this one isn't for her. You think the baby will like classical music like Jennie and I?" Lisa asked. "Like Jennie and I?" Seulgi asked. "I mean, I've always liked classical music." Lisa said and held up her head. Jennie snorted.

"No you didn't. You said it was too soft for you because you're not a soft person." Seulgi said laughed. "I am too. I love hearing symphonies and sonatas." Lisa said. Seulgi shook her head and tried to grab the bear out of the younger girl's hand.

"Don't. I...I want to pay for it. I'll show Jennie when I get to our home." Seulgi looked at the young girl. Our home. Even if Lisa wouldn't admit it, she knew Lisa was smitten with Jennie and the idea of having a family.

"Oh, and these. Let's get these." Lisa said as she started throwing toys into the basket. Seulgi chuckled and shook her head. The young girl was indeed in love.


"I'm home!" Lisa yelled and closed the door. Jennie stood on the top step of the stairs wearing a silk red robe. "Welcome home, babe." She husked. Lisa looked at Jennie in awe. Even without trying, the older girl was a goddess. Jennie made her way down the stairs, meeting the younger girl at the bottom step.

"Nice robe." Lisa said. "Thanks. Someone gave it to me." She snaked her arms around Lisa's neck. Lisa placed her hands gently on Jennie's waist and swayed with the older girl.

"They must really love you to get you such a gift." Lisa said and rested her face against Jennie's abdomen. Jennie was silent. Love. She never told Lisa that she loved her nor had she heard Lisa say that she loved her.

They were clearly more than friends now, so why was it still difficult for them to admit such a thing such as their feelings? These sweet moments of them meant everything to them, although they never say a loud that it is.

"I know they do. And I love them." Jennie said quietly. The girls stood there in each other's embrace, taking in the moment. This home of the young girl's, after such a long had finally felt like home again.

"Will you stay the night?" Lisa asked and looked up at the older girl. Jennie ran her fingers through Lisa's hair and leaned down kissing her forehead gently. "If you want me to." She whispered.

Lisa nodded and opened up the robe. As expected, Jennie was naked underneath. Lisa connected her lips to the older girl's soft skin. Jennie let out a sigh and held Lisa's head gently as the young girl kissed her softly. Could it be like this all the time? Could she feel this warm inside all the time? She wanted this and more, all day and every day.

"Lisa is that you? I thought I heard you!" Sorn called out. Lisa pulled away from Jennie and the older girl closed her robe. "Uh, yeah I'm home. I brought back some stuff for the nursery. Oh Jennie, speaking of the nursery." Lisa turned on her heels and made her way over to the bags.

"I thought the...I thought the baby would like this." She said and pulled out the bear. It was the size of Lisa's hand. "It even plays classical music." She said and grinned. Jennie smiled and took a hold of the bear. "Yeah I think they will. And what nursery are you talking about?" Jennie asked. Lisa smiled proudly.

"Here. The one by our room. I was thinking about painting the Starry Night or I don't know maybe another one of Van Gogh's art work." Lisa said. Jennie bit her lip. If you told her about twelve years ago that she would be not only in love but pregnant with her bully's child then she would think of you as mad.

The idea itself would've shocked anyone. But now, that's all Jennie wanted, to give birth to what she and Lisa created, and to bring the child into this world. She wanted nothing more or less but to conceive their child.

"That sounds like an amazing idea." She said. "Yeah. I got the brushes, the paint pallet. Will you marry me? A measuring tape, some different color paints." Jennie gently grabbed Lisa's arm. "What did you say?" Jennie asked. "What do you mean?" Lisa asked.

"The middle thing. What did you say?" Jennie asked. "Measuring tape....I got measuring tape." Lisa said. Jennie parted her lips. If she wasn't mistaken, the young girl had just proposed to her. Hadn't she?

"Well I'm gonna show Sorn the stuff. But about what I asked. You now have to answer. Is it yes or yes?" Lisa asked and winked. Jennie blushed. "Lisa-."

A/N: Ah we'll see what her answer is next time.

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