Chapter 16: Provocative

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*Two months later*

"So you've been ignoring Lisa for two months." Irene said. Jennie sighed. "I had to. I couldn't give her the answer she wanted at the moment and she was pushing me. Besides, the plan is final. In two days, I'm marrying Kai." Jennie said. Irene grazed her hand over Mina's bump.

"Two months pregnant and you're barely showing. You need to eat girl." Irene said and laughed. Jennie blushed. She had been eating, but not every day. "I wonder, who's the baby going to look like?" Irene asked out loud. Jennie was silent. Silently she wished the baby would look like Lisa with that cute nose and big brown eyes. But wish the baby would be elegant like her as they grew older.

"Who do you think the baby will look like?" Lisa asked and shook Jennie. Jennie cleared her throat. "It doesn't matter to me." She said. Irene sighed. "What will you tell them when they grow up? Hm? When they look at Kai and go, I don't look like daddy." Irene pushed the younger girl for an answer. Jennie was silent. How do you tell your child that their other parent is an intersex? How do you tell your child that you had an affair and that they're a product of adultery?

"I will tell them simply that daddy changed a few things throughout the years. Simple." She said. Irene shook her head. "What will you tell Lisa when she tries to be a part of your and her child's life? Hm? Will you tell her to stay away?" Irene had pushed the younger girl too far.

"I'd never tell her to stay away." Jennie hissed. She balled her hands in anger. "Good. Because that would be rude of you to keep her away from what's also hers. You can't make a baby by yourself." Irene said and checked out the food.

"You're a pain in my ass." Jennie growled. "I'm looking out for you young master. We both know that you wouldn't be able to handle Lisa not being a part of you and the baby's life." Irene said.

"Take me to the library." Jennie snapped. Irene put her hands in defense. "Okay, yes ma'am." She said.


Jennie grazed her fingers over the books on the shelf of the Drama section. These books couldn't compare to what she was going through. She hated herself for not saying yes but at the same time she couldn't just go rogue all in the name of love.

"I shouldn't expect less from a woman like you. Of course you read." Jennie heard. That voice. She hadn't heard that voice in two months. But it was music to her ears. But how had she not heard Lisa coming? Where was that familiar tune she was used to? She turned to face Lisa.

"Of course I read. I assume you do as well since you're here." Jennie said and took a book, opening it. "Not dramas. I think drama books are overrated. Love affairs and heartbreak, it's all cliche." Lisa said. Jennie lifted her head and looked at Lisa with a questionable look.

"Don't look at me like that." Lisa said annoyed. Jennie shut her book and put it on the shelf. "Like what?" She asked. Lisa balled her hand. "Don't look at me like you don't know that I'm hopelessly in love with you." Lisa said with a lump in her throat. Jennie looked away.

"You don't know how my heart feels Jennie. I feel like it's going to break apart." Lisa choked out, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"Lisa." Jennie whispered. "Don't. Don't say my name. Don't speak. Don't you know your voice is music to my ears? And yet I am overwhelmed by the somber melody that I hear when I hear your voice." Lisa felt her heart. It physically hurt.

"I never meant to hurt you." Jennie said lowly. "That's the thing. No one meant to hurt anyone, but someone got hurt anyways." Lisa croaked. She looked down at Jennie's baby bump. "So I've seen in the tabloids, Kim Jongin and Kim Jennie expecting a baby boy. Huh, maybe a Kai Junior?" Each word out of Lisa's mouth sounded like words of disgust. And they were.

"You can be a part of the baby's life." Jennie said. Lisa quickly pinned Jennie against the shelves. "Be a part? I'm the other parent Jennie... that's my child!" Lisa hissed.

"I had to do this Lisa. If he thinks it's his then life will go smoothly." Jennie said. Lisa let go of her and scoffed. "Smoothly? When have our lives ever run smoothly?" Lisa asked. "Dammit Lisa we're in a library." Jennie hissed. Lisa grabbed Jennie's arm and began dragging her out of the room.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." Jennie began to raise her voice. Lisa began running with the older girl out of the building. "Let go of me!" Jennie yelled.

" Jennie?" Irene called out and ran after them. As soon as she saw Lisa, Irene backed off immediately. There was obviously a reason why the young girl was there and she wasn't going to interfere.

"I'll just...tell your parents you're out with a friend!" Irene yelled. "Irene!" Jennie yelled. Lisa quickly but gently pushed Jennie into her Maserati. "Where are you taking me?" Jennie hissed as Lisa started the car.

"Home." She said. "I'm not spending the night with you Lisa! Take me home!" Jennie snapped. Lisa looked at the older girl annoyed. "No." She said and drove away.


How did they always end up like this? Always in each other's arms, naked and vulnerable? Lisa kissed down Jennie's chest, placing soft kisses on her skin. It had been two months, two months too long and Lisa needed to touch the mother of her child, every inch.

She traced Jennie's waist and ran her tongue up the older girl's abdomen. Jennie moaned lightly at the feeling. She could feel her clit throbbing in need of attention. She opened her legs signalling Lisa of what she wanted. Lisa tucked herself between Jennie's legs. She blew on Jennie's pussy, teasing her lover.

"Lisa." Jennie whined. Lisa giggled and ran her tongue through Jennie's folds. Jennie threw her head back and moaned. Lisa hummed in pleasure. She missed the taste of her lover.

The way she felt against her tongue, wet and warm. Lisa danced her tongue through Jennie's folds and tickled her walls. She could feel Jennie's now soaked pussy coat her mouth.

Jennie wanted this regardless of what she had said earlier. Jennie propped herself on her elbows and ran her fingers through Lisa's hair and pushing the young girl's face closer. Lisa moaned sending a vibration through Jennie's pussy.

Jennie began to moan loudly, panting here and there and arching her back at the pleasure. She loved feeling Lisa's tongue work magic on her pussy. It made her wetter and grow closer to reaching her high. Something she could only do with the young girl.

Lisa drew back and caught her breath, looking up at Jennie. The older girl smiled lovingly down at her. Lisa went back down and connected her lips to Jennie's clit making Jennie cry out in pleasure. She could feel the tingling sensation.

She held Lisa's head and rolled her eyes back. Arching her back and with legs shaking, Jennie began to cum, her juices flooded into Lisa's mouth. Lisa hummed and cleaned up the older girl's folds. Lisa sat up and ran her cock through Jennie's folds.

"I need to cum." Lisa breathed out. She lifted Jennie's legs and placed them over her shoulders and began pumping inside the older girl. Jennie whined and moaned in pleasure as she felt Lisa's thick cock stretch her pussy. Two months... oh how she missed this feeling.

"Fuck." Lisa cursed. She kissed Jennie's legs and thrusted one last time before cumming inside Jennie. Jennie smiled. Oh the feeling of Lisa's large load felt amazing, so warm. Lisa pulled out and crawled beside Jennie. She connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

"I... I love you Jennie. I love you." Lisa panted and buried her face in the crook of Jennie's neck. Jennie wrapped her arms around Lisa. "Me too." She whispered. But this wouldn't change what she needed to do... marry Kai.

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