Chapter 9: Rough

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A/N: WARNING!!!!!!!!! MATURE CONTENTS!!!!!!!!! I REPEAT!!!!!!!! MATURE CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"She's not coming." Seulgi said as the two waited outside. "Who are you two losers waiting for?" Jeongyeon asked. "No one." Lisa said. "Kim Jennie." Seulgi blurted out. Lisa glared at her fellow no jam bro.

"Jennie? As in that loser who does classical music or something?" Jeongyeon asked and threw down her cigarette. Lisa bit the inside of her lip. She was pissed but not at Lisa. Could it be about what Jeongyeon just said? No, can't be, Jennie meant nothing more to her than a stubborn girl she'd fuck soon.

"Check that girl out." Jeongyeon said. Irene appeared from behind Jennie. "Oh. I meant, girls." Both Seulgi and Lisa growled at Jeongyeon.

"Whoa now, I saw them first." Jeongyeon said defensively. "They were ours before you saw them." Seulgi snapped. "Ours?" Jeongyeon asked. " Jennie." Lisa breathed out. Jeongyeon widened her eyes.

"That's Jennie? She used to be-." Seulgi covered the older girl's mouth. Lisa gritted her teeth when she saw Kai walk beside Jennie. She clearly didn't invite him, so why did Jennie?

"Hey aren't you that chick from the classroom?" Kai asked. Lisa put on a fake smile. "Yeah. Yeah I am. Jennie." Lisa said and fixed her gaze onto the older girl. "Lisa. I hope you don't mind if my fiance joins us." She said and gave the younger girl an innocent smile. Lisa chuckled and looked away.

"Of course not." She mumbled. "I'm glad you invited me babe." Kai said and snaked his hand around Jennie's waist. Jennie tried to hold in her disgust and smiled. 'She thinks I won't try anything.' Lisa thought and followed them inside.

"Irene." Seulgi said excited and waved at the older girl. "Lucky you Seulgi. Put those ten inches to good use, if you don't I'll have to give her eleven." Jeongyeon whispered to the young girl. Seulgi blushed and led Irene into the bowling alley.

'Ah, a pretty girl who isn't taken.' Jeongyeon thought and made her way to the front desk. "Hey, one size eight shoes and I don't know, maybe a light ball." Jeongyeon said. The girl nodded and quickly and went to retrieve Jeongyeon's shoes. Jeongyeon turned around and rested her elbows on the counter. She watched as Seulgi and Irene flirted on the couch.

'Seulgi, if you don't fuck her, I will.' She thought. She turned her gaze to Lisa who sat a few feet away from Jennie. She had an annoyed look on her face. Jeongyeon scoffed.

'Well well, looks like Lisa doesn't have the girl. Don't mind if I do sweep in and get me some of that.' She thought. "Here are your shoes and the bowling ball you asked for. Have a good time! Remember, Jesus is watching you so please keep it PG." The girl said.

"Your name is Jihyo right?" Jeongyeon asked. Jihyo nodded. "Well, why don't you come meet me in the bathroom and show me a thing or two about getting down on your knees?" Jeongyeon said and smirked. Jihyo gave her a smile.

"Why don't you get fucked?" She shot back. "I mean if you're willing." Jeongyeon said boldly. "Take your shit and go." Jihyo said. Jeongyeon chuckled and took her stuff.

'The nerve of this girl. Bringing her fiance and all.' Lisa thought. She sat on the couch with her arms crossed. She looked like a pouting child.

"Hey, stop pouting and take charge. That eleven inch isn't going to make it into Jennie on its own." Jeongyeon whispered into Lia's ear. Lisa perked up.

"Jennie, will you go to the bathroom with me?" She asked. Jennie and Kai looked at her confused. "I mean, isn't that what girl friends do?" She asked and rubbed the back of her neck.

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