Chapter 17: Forced Marriage

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Small hands glided over the wall painting a masterpiece. The image became clear, Starry Night by Van Gogh.


"Master? Lisa?" Sorn peaked her head in. "Yes?" Lisa responded. "Miss Kang Seulgi is here." Sorn said. "Okay send her in." Sorn opened the door. "Ah, of course you'd attempt to draw out and paint Van Gogh's finest piece." Seulgi said.

"I told you the baby deserves a colorful room."So did Jennie give you an answer?" Seulgi asked. Lisa was silent and continued to work on the wall. Seulgi sighed.

"I'll take that as a no." She said. "She's busy. She'll answer me later." Lisa said. "Busy getting ready for her own wedding?" Seulgi responded. Lisa stopped what she was doing. Right, it's today. Seulgi patted Lisa's back.

"I think you need to rethink her answer." Seulgi said. Lisa held back the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes. She didn't want to believe that Jennie had given her, her answer.

"I can't accept it." She said. Seulgi sighed. "You're going to have to." Seulgi left the younger in the nursery to collect her thoughts. She needed to know, if the older girl would give her a final answer. She hadn't long before she needed to be in a suit and at the church.


"You look so pretty Miss." Irene said and smiled. Jennie was silent as she looked herself over in the mirror. "Cold feet?" Irene asked. Jennie gulped and felt her heart. "I just... it's too late isn't it?" Jennie asked nervously.

"Too late to back out?" Irene asked. Jennie nodded. Irene sighed and rested her chin on Jennie's shoulder. "What do you think the answer is? I can't give you the answer Miss, because the answer is in here." She said and gently placed her hand over Jennie's heart. Jennie frowned. The answer was in her heart. The heart she didn't trust to make such decisions. "Right." She breathed out.


"It's time." A lady with cute brown eyes said. "Thank you Miss Rose." Irene said and led Jennie out of the small room and into the hall. Her father gave Jennie a small smile then faced the doors. Jennie nervously walked over to her father.
"You're shaking." Her father said. Jennie looked up at her father. The man's face was emotionless.

"Daddy, I... I don't know if I'm doing the right thing." She said. Her father sighed. "You know, your mother and I have always wanted nothing but the best for you. But it seems that we have failed you. You're not happy with the path with led you down." Her father said.

"Daddy no. It's not that I'm not happy, but I...I don't love-." The doors to the chapel opened and Jennie could hear the organ playing. Her heart jumped at the sight of all the strangers in the room. These were not her friends, these were not people she wanted to share her special day with. Was this really a special day though?

She found herself walking down the aisle, heart racing. Was she making a mistake? She looked at Kai who stood at the altar smiling at her. She felt eyes on her as she walked to the altar, her father soon leaving her.

"Hey." Kai whispered. Jennie was silent. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Kim Jongin and Kim Jennie in holy matrimony." The priest said. Jennie's heart beat like drums, each beat growing louder.

Her legs shook from her nervousness. She had found herself drowning out the priest. Her mind flashing back to images and videos of her times with Lisa. She could see it, the young girl's smile, those beautiful eyes. She felt a shiver go down her spine. She remembered the way she always felt underneath the young girl, her soft hands roaming her body, the feeling of Lisa inside of her.

She let out a low moan. She hadn't realized how much time seemed to past before she felt Kai shake her.

"Hey, it's your turn to say your vows." He said annoyed. Jennie snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. "R-right." She looked out at the crowd then at Kai.

"Jennie, do you take this man to be your husband? To live together in holy matrimony? To love him and honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

Jennie looked at Kai in horror of the question. To spend the rest of her life with this man would surely be the death of her. Her hands broke out in a sweat, her throat grew dry.

"I...I." She began to stutter. "Come on." Kai growled lightly. "I d-." Before she could say 'I do' she heard it. She heard the familiar tune she knew all too well.

She turned her head slowly to see at the back of the room Lisa standing by the door. She seemed to have a sympathetic smile on her face for the older girl. She didn't want this to happen, but she wasn't one to bash a wedding no matter if it was someone she truly loved. It had seemed that Jennie had made up her mind, and that was the answer Lisa got.

The young girl opened the door and made her way out. The music soon began to fade, that familiar tune disappearing. Jennie's heart skipped a beat. No, this wasn't the answer to Lisa's answer. This was nothing but a mistake.

"I... no. No I don't take this man to be my husband." Jennie said. She lifted up her dress and began running off the altar. " Jennie! What the hell are you doing?" Kai roared and ran after her, catching her by the arm.

"Let go of me!" Jennie yelled. "We're getting married!" He growled. Before Jennie could make sense of what she was doing, she felt her elbow collide with Kai's nose knocking him back. The young man cursed as blood dripped from his nose.

"I'm not marrying you." Jennie growled and took a few steps before turning around again. "By the way, I'm pregnant with Lisa Manoban's baby!" She yelled and turned on her heels. The crowd gasped. But Jennie didn't care, she threw off her heels and began running out of the church.

She heard it again, the familiar tune. She caught sight of Lisa opening her car door.

"Lisa!" Jennie yelled. Lisa looked up slowly. That voice. Looking up, she saw Jennie running towards her. "J- Jennie? What are you doing?" Lisa asked. Jennie met Lisa at the driver's side door and panted.

"I'm going home with you, duhhh." She said. Lisa blinked a few times. Was this really happening? "Start the car baby." Jennie said and pecked Lisa's lips. The young girl blushed madly, a smile crept on her face. "Yes ma'am." She said and hopped into the car, Jennie doing the same.

A/N: The end is near....

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