Chapter 4: The Past

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Do you ever stare out the window when it rains? Do you listen to the sound of the rain as it hits the window? Can you hear the sound of piano keys being played? Does it sound like a sad song? Jennie stared out the window as the rain still fell into the next day.

She didn't need to be at the Performing Arts school until the afternoon, and so she found herself sitting by the window, her eyes set on the sight before her as the rain flooded the street outside her home.

Her fingers danced in the air as if she were playing the piano. She heard a soft tune appear from thin air and the notes swayed with the music. This picture, the sight before her reminded her of her last encounter with Lisa. The last day of grade school.

Jennie walked slowly down the path, rain hitting her body, soaking her school uniform. Today had been her last day in grade school. What to do now? She'd be changing schools soon.

She couldn't decide whether or not she was relieved that she'd be away from her bully Lisa Manoban, or sad that she'd be apart from the girl she grew to have a crush on, also Lisa Manoban.

She should've been worried about the rain and catching a cold. But she wasn't. All that was on her mind was Lisa Manoban. The Art prodigy. The girl who hated her for the status. She stopped in her tracks once she heard the familiar tune she came to enjoy.

She knew what it meant when she heard it. That Lisa Manoban was near. And she was... three feet away. Jennie slowly turned on her heels. You couldn't say she was surprised. The encounter was frequent as she was given a beating around this time.

She closed her eyes as she saw Lisa raise her arm expecting the young girl's hand to slap her cheek. But what surprised her was the sound of rain hitting the top of an umbrella and the feeling of dryness on her skin. She slowly opened her eyes. Lisa stood in front of her, holding an umbrella over her head. But the young girl's head was down, her gaze to the floor.

"You'll catch a cold." Lisa said lowly. She didn't dare look up to meet Jennie's gaze. Jennie blinked a few times, trying to make sense of all of this. She looked around to see where Lisa's buddies had gone. But they weren't here.

"Take it." Lisa said and looked away. "Take?" Jennie asked. "The umbrella. Take it or you'll catch a cold." Lisa said sternly. Jennie took hold of the umbrella with shaking hands.

"Thank you." She whispered. Lisa could feel her heart beating. She couldn't explain the feeling or why she was doing this. They were both moving up to schools. Could it be that Lisa would miss Jennie? Couldn't be. She hated her. Right?

"This doesn't mean I like you." Lisa said quickly and played with her fingers. Jennie was silent. Then what did all of this mean? "Lisa." Jennie said softly.

"Bye." Lisa said. The young girl turned quickly on her heels and began running away. A small smile crept onto the girl's face. Could you blame her for smiling as she received a gift from her crush? Could you blame her for smiling for her last encounter with her crush as being pleasant?

Jennie turned her head to face the door. Leaning against the door was a black umbrella. Lisa's umbrella. She had enough time to give the umbrella back to the young girl on several occasions but each time failed due to her cowardness.

Should she give it back now? Would it be too late? She stood up and grabbed her coat. It was time to relive the moment she found to be so dear. It was the only good memory of her encounter with Lisa. She wondered sometimes, did Lisa think about it too?

She opened the door and opened the umbrella. It sheltered her through the pouring rain. It happened so long ago, she should've forgotten. But she wouldn't.


The same rainy day piano tune kept playing as she walked to the spot outside her elementary school. But what shocked her the most was the figure coated in rain standing outside the fenced area surrounded by bushes. It could only be one person.

"I figured it out. I know who you are." Lisa said. She looked at Jennie with confidence. The young girl was drenched from head to toe. She stood in the same spot where she had given Jennie her umbrella.

"Kim Jennie...the quiet girl. The girl I..." Lisa stepped towards Jennie making Jennie freeze in her place. Lisa looked at the older girl.

"...whom I bullied so long ago. Look at you." Lisa said. She slowly reached forward and ran her finger over Jennie's jawline. "A beauty." Lisa breathed out.

"Y-you'll catch a cold." Jennie stuttered. Lisa stepped underneath the umbrella and moved forward barely leaving any space between them. "You remembered too, the last place we left off together." She looked at Jennie's lips. How soft and pink they looked.

"What are you doing?" Jennie asked with a shaky voice. "Looking at your lips which I should've kissed long ago." Lisa breathed out. Jennie's heart skipped a beat. Was Lisa really saying what she thought she was saying?

Suddenly the young girl began to cough violently. Her eyes began to close and her legs began to grow weak. She had been out in the rain for hours trying to make sense of why Jennie was familiar.

"Lisa?" Jennie said and caught the young girl as she fell into her arms. 'She's sick. She must've been out here long.' Jennie thought. By her surprise a stranger had come across them.

"Ma'am what happened? Should I call an ambulance?" The stranger asked, I noticed a nametag at his shoulder, it read 'Cha Eun-Woo'. "No thank you. I- I'm actually taking her home. Would it be so kind of you to drive me to my house?" Jennie asked. The stranger nodded. They placed Lisa gently in the backseat. Jennie sat in the back and gently placed Lisa's wet head on her lap.

'You remembered.' Jennie thought and looked down at Lisa. The younger girl was fast asleep, sick with a cold. And all for the sake of finding out the truth based on a memory.

A/N: Thanks for reading!


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