Chapter 3: g!p

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"Just...move your head a little. No like." Lisa gently lifted Jennie's chin and posed the girl's head in the position she envisioned. Jennie's heart raced at the single touch. What was more overwhelming was the music that she heard. The cheeky tune you hear in K-dramas as the potential lovers did something unexpectedly cute. But there was nothing cute about this situation.

Jennie was a mess as she fiddled with her fingers and kept looking elsewhere but at Lisa. If she had to admit, she had had a crush on the young girl since high school.

But the young girl hadn't seemed to pay attention to her now. In fact...she may not remember the time she bullied Jennie when they were in grade school.

"What are you looking at?" Young Lisa growled as she slammed Jennie against the wall. Jennie grunted as she felt her back hit the hard wall. It was like this every day, the young girl along with her two friends picked on her after school. Yes, Lisa Manoban, one of the richest kids at the Maxwell University. The first richest being... Kim Jennie.

"If you're so rich why doesn't your daddy pick you up at the private school like every other kid? Hm?" Lisa pressed her fist deeper into Jennie's stomach. Jennie whimpered. "She's had enough Lis, let's go." Young Jeongyeon said and spit out the toothpick from between her teeth.

"Yeah Chae, she might tell her dad on us. And my dad can't handle another scandal." Young Seulgi said. Lisa stepped back as Jennie sunk to the ground.

"I'll be better than you in the future Kim. I'm just as much as a child prodigy than you are. When I'm older, you'll be nothing but a shadow to me." Lisa turned on her heels and began walking away. Jennie slowly lifted her head. So this is what the bullying is all about? Who was the bigger prodigy?

Jennie turned her head and watched Lisa walk away. No matter how much the young Korean picked on her, she had found herself growing fond of her.

But she didn't know what to make out the feeling she was feeling because she hadn't been able to hear the music that Lisa radiated during that time. But through high school the young girl had forgotten her, forgotten the childish face that now grew into a beauty.

"H-how long have you been drawing?" Jennie asked Lisa. The young girl sighed. "Since I could touch a pencil I guess. I myself grew up as a prodigy. I knew how to paint like Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh by the time I reached the age of eleven." Lisa said proudly.

Jennie bit her lip. She remembered seeing the young girl's paintings being showcased in a museum she came upon with her parents. They were truly a work of Art. Maybe she wasn't in love with the young girl. Maybe she was just in love with what she could do, what she could produce using only a few paints and with few strokes. Maybe that's all it was.

"You seem familiar. I mean besides that you're quite famous. Have you lived in Korea your whole life?" Lisa asked and continued to draw the older girl's features. "I moved here during grade school." Jennie said.

"Huh, what school?" Lisa asked. Jennie bit her lip. If she told the younger girl the truth, would she continue to bully her? "I can't remember. But I assure you I look better now than when I did back then." Jennie said and chuckled. Lisa slowly cupped Jennie's cheek, rubbing it with her thumb gently.

"I doubt you looked anything less than beautiful even when you were a child." Lisa said softly. Jennie's heart had skipped a beat. How could this be the same girl from all those years ago? The same head strong but beautiful girl from when they were children. Jennie lowered her eyes and parted her lips.

If she wasn't mistaken, she could clearly see the young girl's bulge. But she wasn't erected...just...large.

"What?" Lisa asked. Jennie pulled away and blushed. "I have to go." Jennie said and stood up. "Jennie. I'd like to see you again. If you're not busy with your boyfriend then could you meet me here again tomorrow?" Lisa asked.

Jennie couldn't take her eyes off of the young girl's bulge. How was this the same girl indeed. The music had faded away by now, but she could still hear the beating of her own heart beating like drums. She nodded shyly and quickly turned on her heels, exiting the Art room quickly. Lisa looked down at her bulge and chuckled.

'Quite an observer.' She adjusted her pants and sighed. 'I swear I've seen her before. I just can't remember where.' Jennie thought.

Jennie rushed out of the building and looked up. Raindrops began to pour on her. 'This can't be the same Lalisa Manoban I know.' She frowned. But she didn't really know the girl did she? She was just the girl that brought forth symphonies. Symphonies that were music to Jennie's ear.

The same girl that had forgotten her. But how could she be the same girl if she had...had a. Jennie shook off the thought. By then the rain began to drench her.

"You'll catch a cold." She heard. .She jumped as she felt a small hand gently grasp her wrist. She turned to face the young girl. Lisa smiled and offered Jennie a spot underneath her umbrella. Jennie bit her lip as her eyes wandered below the young girl's torso.

"It's not the time to stare. Let's get you home." Lisa said. Jennie blushed madly and slipped underneath the girl's umbrella. They ran across the street and walked to the bus stop. They stood silently underneath the umbrella as they waited for the bus. But Jennie couldn't take it anymore. It began to bother her, knowing that Lisa had a penis. It was strange and yet intriguing.

"You have a penis!" Jennie blurted out. Lisa looked at the older girl and smiled. "You noticed huh? Yes, yes I have a penis. Does that bother you?" Lisa asked. "I...n-no." Jennie stuttered. "I hope me having a penis between my legs doesn't stop us from being friends." Lisa said.

She gave Jennie a warm smile. Friends. How had things come to this? She gave Lisa a nod and bit her lip. She could hear a gentle tune as the rain poured around them. She came to terms with the knowledge that this young girl beside her was indeed the same girl she fell for many years ago.

A/N: Yea g!p kekekeke

-Drea 20

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