Chapter 18: The City of Love

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A/N: WARNING!!!!!!!!! MATURE CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALREADY WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok imma stop now-

"Are you really going to be like that?" Jennie asked. Lisa huffed and looked away from Jennie. "Baby." Jennie whined and poked at the young girl.

"I know you love your chicken, but you need to share." Jennie said and poked Lisa's cheek. Lisa turned around and pouted. "Awe Limario is sad." Jennie joked and pecked Lisa's cheek.

"It was the last piece." Lisa whined. "But I'm the one pregnant, I need to eat." Jennie said. Lisa dramatically groaned and fell back on the couch. Jennie giggled and kissed her girlfriend's nose.

"We can always get more." She whispered and connected their lips. Lisa ran her hands up and down Jennie's thigh. Moaning at the feeling of Jennie's warmth. Jennie kissed Lisa lovingly, her hands snaking their way down to her crotch.

"No no no Sorn's in the house." Jennie breathed out in between kisses. "Hasn't stopped us before." Lisa said and groped Jennie's breast. Jennie slapped the girl's hand away. "That hurts. I'm producing milk remember?" She wagged her finger at Lisa. Lisa whined.

"Oh hush." Jennie said and smiled. "Will you let me have a taste too? I do love milk." Lisa said and winked. Jennie playfully rolled her eyes and got off the young girl. "I thought we could hang out with Irene and Seulgi, but I called the both of them and they hadn't answered." Lisa rubbed the back of her neck.

"Maybe they're busy. Hey, I've got an idea though." Lisa said and grinned. "What?" Jennie asked. "Let's go to France." Lisa said. "France? Why?" Jennie asked. "Because, I want to go and... there's something I want to do that's special there." Lisa said. She wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist.

"Okay. When will we leave?" Jennie asked. Lisa grinned. "Sorn got the tickets for the plane in four hours. So... you know, we've got fours to I don't know, get undressed, share a few kisses-."

"We don't have time for sex so get your head out of the gutter cub. We need to pack." Jennie said and made her way out of the room. Lisa groaned.

"Not even a little, I don't know quick suck?" Lisa called out. She rushed to catch up with Jennie who walked up the stairs.


Lisa answered her phone quickly.

Lisa: "Seulgi, is everything set up? We'll be in Paris in six hours. We have four hours to pack, but you've definitely got the Garden with the best view of the city lights and the Eifel Tower rented out right? Okay good. And Irene made sure to tell them that this is a special event right? Okay good. I'll see you two alone when I get there. Yeah, okay bye."

Lisa hung up and raced upstairs and into her room. The older girl was no-where in sight.

"Jennie?" Lisa called out. "I'm in the nursery!" Jennie called out. Lisa rushed across the hall and smiled as she saw Jennie glide her hands over the painted scenery.

"You like it? I wanted the baby to have an artistic feel of the room. I think he'll come around to liking it really." Lisa said and smiled. Jennie smiled and nodded. Lisa had done all this for her and the baby. She had loved Jennie although she didn't have to.

She had fought to win Jennie over. Lisa was not what Jennie had thought her to be all these years. Ruthless and a bully. No, her Lisa was sweet, cute, and artistic.

Her sweet Lisa was a wonderful parent and she knew she could trust her with their child's life. Lisa rested her chin on the older girl's shoulder, wrapping her arms gently around Jennie as they swayed. Although no music was playing, they heard it in their heads, a great symphony.

Sweet moments like these were what Jennie cherished. Lisa had become so loving with her, kissing her shoulder gently, rubbing her baby bump softly.

She whispered sweet nothings in her ear, occasionally if horny whispering what she'd do with her milk filled breasts. It made Jennie laugh. Such a naughty girl-ish, but her lover was still cute.

"Please Jennie? Before we go?" Lisa asked. She gently moved Jennie's face to look at her with puppy eyes. Jennie playfully rolled her eyes. "Fine, but then no touching on the plane." Jennie said. Lisa grinned and led Jennie to their room.

Clothes fell to the floor as they stripped each other. Jennie engulfed Lisa's length inside her mouth and began bobbing her head, sucking Lisa feverishly. Lisa moaned and closed her eyes. Her girlfriend knew how to work wonders on her cock.

"Baby." Lisa breathed out. She lifted Jennie up and gently placed her on the bed. She got them in a spooning position and lifted Jennie's legs, slipping her cock inside Jennie's tight pussy. Lisa moaned and began pumping inside her girlfriend, running her hand up from Jennie's swollen clit to her milk filled breasts.

She gently groped Jennie's breasts and sucked on her neck. Jennie whined and moaned as she felt all of Lisa's cock stretch her walls. It always felt so good, so big and thick. She could get enough of Lisa's monster meat.

Jennie placed her hand over Lisa's hand that groped her breast and moaned her name loudly. This had excited Lisa as she thrusted deeper inside Jennie. The older girl was crying in pleasure, arching her back at the amazing feeling.

She cursed profanities and encouraged Lisa to cum deep in her pussy. Lisa ravished Jennie's neck, sucking and nipping at her skin leaving a big blue and purple hickey on her skin.

"Daddy cum in my pussy." Jennie whined. "In your pussy? You want daddy to give you another baby?" Lisa said. She raised her hand from Jennie's breast and choked her throat.

"Y-yes." Jennie choked out. Lisa growled and began pounding inside the older girl, her veins began to align her shaft. She was in need of relief inside her girlfriend. "Fuck!" Lisa breathed out. Jennie arched her back and rolled her eyes back as she felt Lisa fill her up.

Thick warm strings of her cum landed inside of her. Lisa moved Jennie's face and began kissing her passionately, her cock still spewing cum inside of her. Jennie moaned and pulled away, trying to catch her breath. Lisa nuzzled Jennie's neck with her nose and smiled.

"Thank you mommy." Lisa joked. Jennie playfully smacked the young girl's arm. "We need to pack. But first let's get into the shower." Jennie said and slowly got out of bed. "Round two in the shower?" Lisa asked. Jennie raised a brow.

"No baby, we need to take a shower and pack." Lisa pouted. Jennie playfully rolled her eyes. "Just quick head." Lisa grinned and followed Jennie into the bathroom. "Just a quickie. "

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