Chapter 14: Rough Sex

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"What do you mean he came in you? Why the fuck? Why? Jennie!" Lisa roared and paced the room. "I had to! If he believes it's his, we can keep the baby!" Jennie shouted. "Keep it? Was that the plan all along?" Lisa asked. Jennie grew silent. No, no that wasn't the plan. Lisa scoffed and threw Jennie onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" Jennie asked as Lisa climbed on top of her. "Lay still!" Lisa growled and tore off the Jennie's pants and shirt with the tube she's wearing. Jennie smacked Lisa across the face only fueling the younger girl's sexual desire.

Lisa slapped Jennie back, and this time Jennie stopped fighting. She moaned as Lisa sucked on her neck feverishly. Her teeth sunk into the older girl's neck, her tongue made circles and her hand rubbed the older girl's now wet laced underwear. Then she moved to her pink nubs, she pinched it, licked it while grinding her big cock at Jennie's clothed wet pussy.

"Fucking slut. Admit it." Lisa growled and bit Jennie's pinkish nipples. Jennie whimpered and shook her head. "Do it!" Lisa growled and cupped the older girl's pussy. "Make me." Jennie challenged. Lisa pulled Jennie up and flipped her around.

"I will." Lisa growled. She tore off Jennie's underwear and removed all of her clothes including her underwear exposing her thick meat, then she groped Jennie's breasts. Jennie moaned and bit her lip. Lisa laced her hand around and felt Jennie's pussy.

"Fuck you're wet." Lisa breathed out and ran her fingers through Jennie's folds. Jennie rocked her hips as Lisa rubbed her. "You like this, whore?" Lisa nipped at Jennie's shoulder. "Yes." Lisa pulled Jennie's head back by her hair.

"Yes what?" She said and rammed two fingers inside Jennie's pussy. "Yes daddy!" Jennie cried out. "Good girl." Lisa husked. "Fuck, daddy!"

"So wet for me. Were you wet for Kai?" Lisa breathed out as she watches Jennie's breast bounce up and down with the sloppy sounds and loud moans echoing inside the room. Jennie blushed and shook her head. All she was felt was disgust, but she needed to go through with her plan.

"Good, cause I'm the daddy." Lisa said and started licking the clit of the girl under her, over stimulating her. Jennie whimpered and balled her hands. She closed her eyes as Lisa slowly, finger by finger tried to put her whole hand inside the older girl's pussy.

"Lisa! Stop! It hurts!" Jennie cried out. But Lisa didn't stop, she was pounding so hard, while licking the older girl's over stimulated pinkish clit, she pulled Jennie's head back and then grasped her throat. "Why should I? This is mine and you let him inside you." Lisa snapped and began pounding five fingers inside the older girl. 

Jennie began to cry out and grasped the younger girl's hand as it tightened around her throat. Jennie's walls began to loosen but the flow of her wetness continued as it soaked Lisa's hand.

"So wet." Lisa said. She turned Jennie's face and connected their lips. Jennie moaned and made inhuman sounds as Lisa continued to fuck and pound her pussy. Jennie pulled away and began to cry out. Lisa could feel the older girl's walls tighten around her fingers. Jennie was fighting to get away but Lisa held her down.

"My pussy! Stop! Stop!" Lisa scratched at Jennie's back and then smacked her ass. "No! Admit you're a whore! Letting Kai cum in what's mine!" She yelled and pounded into the blonde. Jennie's eyes rolled back and she was for a loss of words as she began cumming all over the young brunette's fist.

"Fuck." Lisa marveled. As Lisa slowly drew out of the blonde, Jennie whimpered, her pussy sensitive. Mina breathed heavily and tried to get up. But Lisa held her down again and spread her pussy lips then touched her clit that made Jennie arch her back as her nails sank to Lisa's skin giving her pleasurable pain.

"You think I'm finished?" Lisa growled and pushed Jennie back down. "Lisa please! No!" Lisa flipped the older girl over and spread her legs. "Lisa my pussy." Jennie whined.

"Its mine!" Lisa growled and licked up Jennie's folds. Jennie arched her back and rolled her eyes back. "You're such a whore. I bet he wasn't even half the size of me." Lisa spat and took out her cock. She ran her cock through Jennie's folds.

"Lisa please." Jennie whined and spread her legs wider. Lisa grasped Jennie's throat. "You need to know who owns this pussy of yours." Lisa growled and rammed her cock inside Jennie over stimulating the girl, then she inserted her tongue inside her pussy . Jennie's eyes instantly rolled back as she let out a screech.

Such a big big boy. She could feel the head of Lisa's cock tickle the edge of her stomach. Lisa began thrusting her hips, harder and faster than ever. She wouldn't let Jennie go without a cream pie to that pretty pussy of hers.

"Lisa." Jennie breathed out. Lisa leaned down and connected their lips in a hungry kiss. She pounded furiously into Jennie. She was so angry that Jennie would do such a thing and all so she could keep the baby. She didn't understand why she couldn't just tell the world that the baby was hers.

"Fuck." Lisa cursed against Jennie's lips and with one last thrust let thick strings of her cum land inside Jennie. They both panted heavily as Lisa was still ramming her cock inside Jennie. "Lisa! Stop!" but still Lisa didn't stop, then Jennie cummed one more time before they fell on the bed, exhausted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rough." She breathed out. Jennie wrapped her arms around Lisa's body. "Yes you did. It was my punishment." Jennie said. She kissed the top of Lisa's head.

"Jennie... were you. Were you really going to abort the baby?" Lisa asked. Jennie was silent. She couldn't imagine her parents accepting her pregnancy from a....a girl?

"Shh." Jennie cooed and rubbed Lisa's back. "No. No I need to know Jennie. Tell me, would you destroy what we created?" Lisa asked. Jennie looked into the young girl's eyes. She couldn't make out what all this meant. Why the brunette sounded so sincere about keeping the baby. Why she wanted to.

And why it all gave her butterflies. Jennie was smitten by the younger girl's sudden want to take responsibility for what 'they' created. To her, this wasn't the same little girl from years ago. Although it was close to the girl who gave her that umbrella that rainy day.

A sweet girl. A kind girl. Lisa had seemed to change into that girl again. Jennie sighed and rested her forehead against Lisa's.

"No. I'd keep it." She whispered. Lisa grinned and closed her eyes, resting her forehead against Jennie's. Still moments like these, what were they?

A/N: That was rough.

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