Chapter 5: Smut

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"I've arranged a dinner date with you and Kai." Jennie's mother said. Jennie turned to face her mother. "I don't wish to go." She said quietly. "Speak up girl." Her father said. "I don't wish to converse with him. I find him repulsive." Jennie said.

"Jennie! That's rude!" Her mother snapped. "It's the truth. Now excuse me, I have a friend to attend to." Jennie said. "Bringing in strangers into my house. You will not do that again. Understand?" Her father said sternly.

Jennie sighed and nodded. She quickly carried the warm bowl of water upstairs.

'She should be re dressed by now.' Jennie thought. She entered her room quietly. "She's all dressed young master." Her maid said. "Thank you Chahee. " Jennie said. "Young master, am I correct? That she has a....I felt as if I was dreaming." Chahee said and blushed.

"A penis. Yes, it would seem so. Please excuse us." Jennie said. Chahee bowed and shut the door behind her. Jennie sighed and made her way over to the young girl. She was dressed in the finest of silk.

Her shirt was unbuttoned revealing her toned stomach. Jennie started there, applying the warm water with a rag onto her cold skin. She heard Lisa moan as soon as the warm rag hit her skin.

"It was foolish of you to be out there for some time." Jennie said quietly. She bit her lip as she neared Lisa's chest.

'Don't stare.' Jennie reminded herself. She removed the young girl's shirt to reveal her breasts. Mina looked away but kept applying the warm rag to the young girl's cold skin. She could feel the flatness of her chest then the roundness of Lisa's breasts. They were small but cute.

"It's foolish of you to take me here." Lisa mumbled. Jennie turned her head to look at the young girl. Lisa still had her eyes closed but was panting. Jennie began to button up the young girl's shirt when she was stopped.

"Don't." Lisa opened her eyes slowly. She took a hold of Jennie's hand and put it on her chest. "I know you're curious." Lisa breathed out. She glided Jennie's hand down from her chest slowly and down her toned stomach. Jennie gasped. How soft she felt. How beautiful she looked. But she blushed as they neared Lisa's V line.

"I wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to." Lisa whispered. "You made me get on the ground so you could kick me better." Jennie said, her voice trailing off as she skimmed over Lisa's bulge.

"You remember that huh? I'll admit I wasn't very friendly back then. I apologize." Lisa said. The two grew silent as Jennie's curiosity got the best of her. She bit her lip.

"Could it be, that Kim Jennie would like to see my penis?" Lisa said and smirked. Jennie quickly snapped out of her thoughts and by accident, spilled the warm water on the young girl making her yelp.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jennie said in a panic. She climbed on top of Lisa and began dabbing at Lisa's body soaked in water. Lisa grinned. She wanted to laugh at the older girl's efforts. Jennie had managed to successfully undress Lisa's top half still apologizing profusely.

But the action had caused a friend of Lisa's to wake up. Jennie gasped as she felt something poke her ass. "I'd apologize, but you're the one on top of me." Lisa said cockily. Jennie quickly hopped off of the young girl. Lisa reached into her pants causing Jennie to panic.

"Don't! What are you doing?" Jennie asked. "You think I'm going to masturbate in front of you?" Lisa asked amused. "Don't you dare." Jennie growled. "Like I'd ever do it because of you." Lisa said.

That same damn attitude made Jennie do something that shocked them both. She gripped Lisa's bulge harshly making the young girl whimper.

"Then how come you got hard?" She growled. Lisa looked at Jennie in shock. She had never seen the older girl radiate in such confidence. Jennie let go and stood up.

"I'll have my maid bring in another set of silk pajamas." Jennie said. Before she opened the door, she looked over her shoulder. "I'm not the same little girl you beat on Ms. Manoban. So tread lightly." Jennie warned. Lisa gulped. The situation was overwhelming. With that confidence, the older girl was

'Why'd you have to get hard Lisa?' Lisa scolded herself and slapped her forehead. Jennie stood on the other side of the door clutching her pounding heart. The situation was just as overwhelming for her. She had made her crush's cock erected.

The thing that shocked her the most was the absence of music when she was with Lisa. Was it because she was with her? Was it because there wasn't a romantic feeling at the time? She didn't know how to take in all of this.

One minute she was a coward and then the next she was gripping Lisa's cock, oh how charming Kim Jennie. She bit her lip. She couldn't decide whether or not to be excited by the fact that she was the reason that Lisa got hard or be disgusted by the girl's penis herself. She sighed. If she hadn't brought the young girl over then none of this would've happened. Should she be grateful?

"You called young master?" Chahee said. "Yes. Please get Ms. Manoban fresh new silk pajamas. If she needs anything else then please attend to her." Jennie said and cleared her throat. "New silk pajamas? May I ask what happened my lady?" Chahee asked and winked.

"Chahee, please don't imply that anything sexual happened. All I did was touch it, nothing more." Jennie said. Both girls looked at one another before Jennie realized what she had said. She quickly covered her mouth and blushed madly.

"Well I'll be my lady. How big was it?" Chahee asked. Jennie raised her hand. "You will speak of this to no one." She said sternly. Chahee chuckled. "New silk pajamas it is." She said and winked.

Jennie sighed and opened the door again. She widened her eyes as she saw Lisa's cock sit comfortably between her legs. Lisa's eyes widened. "It's not what it looks like!" She said quickly.

"I'm sorry!" Jennie shouted and shut the door quickly. She ran down the corridor and into the guest room.

'Oh my god oh my god! She was. I think she was. It's so big. Oh my god!' Jennie thought and paced the floor. She began hearing music, but not symphonies. She groaned internally as each word made themselves present. Sex. The words were clear. Of all the music, and at a time like this. Sex.

A/N: rated 18+

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