Chapter 12: Pregnancy Test

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"Well, see ya." Lisa said. Jennie smiled and turned to face the young girl. "Thank you for this morning." Jennie said and leaned in, kissing Lisa's cheek. Lisa blushed madly and looked away.

"Drive home safe." Jennie said and hopped out of Lisa's Maserati. Lisa revved up her engine making Jennie giggle. She watched Lisa's car disappear around the corner. When she turned around she jumped as Kai appeared before her.

"So you stayed the night at Lisa's? Hm?" He stepped towards her. Jennie stepped back, distancing herself from him. "I found out some interesting things about her. That he or she. That sick bitch with a cock." Kai said, disgust flowing through his words. He grabbed Jennie's wrist, gripping it tightly.

"Let go." Jennie whined. "That's low of you Jennie, to be with a he or she over me. Did you fuck her? Hm?" He growled. "You're hurting me." Jennie cried out.

"Hey!" Jennie gasped. That voice. Hadn't she just driven off? Lisa came trudging up the sidewalk, an angry look on her face. "Lisa." Jennie gasped and tried to break out of Kai's grasp.

"Let her go!" Lisa growled. She hurried to Jennie's aid. "Or what?" Kai growled. In a second, Lisa's fist had met Kai's face, knocking the boy to the ground. She grabbed Jennie 's hand and began running.

"Where are we going?" Jennie shouted. "To a friend's." Lisa said and helped Jennie into car. " Jennie!" The two girls heard Kai roar. Lisa started the Maserati and winked at Jennie. The two quickly raced away.


"Wow that psycho really did that?" Seulgi asked. Lisa nodded. "And you saved her. Almost like you didn't leave on purpose." Seulgi said and chuckled. "I was going to but she forgot, she forgot." Lisa bit her lip.

"She forgot nothing. You just wanted to see her inside huh? Why didn't you just ask her if you could walk her to her door?" Seulgi asked and finished pouring the glasses of wine. "Because I. I don't know." She helped Seulgi carry the glasses into her living room where Irene and Jennie sat comfortably chatting away.

"Did you do it with Irene?" Lisa whispered. Seulgi blushed. "Well no. She just... jerked me off. Said she needed some time before she attempted to fit all of my cock inside of her." Seulgi whispered. Lisa snorted.

"Hey I'm sure you didn't give Jennie that chance." Seulgi shot back. "She wanted it. I wasn't going to stop her." Lisa said. "Ladies." Seulgi said and handed Irene and Jennie a glass of wine.

"I'm sure you two are responsible enough not to spill wine on my ten thousand dollar leather couches." She said and gave both women a cheeky smile. "Of course not Seul-bear. It could be covered in something else though if we stay longer." Irene said and winked. Jennie turned her face and looked at Lisa, smirking. Both Lisa and Seulgi cleared their throat and looked else where.

"As I was saying Irene, Lisa makes a mean crepe." Jennie said. "Oh. She'll have to cook for me too sometime. Seulgi doesn't cook." Irene said and took a sip of her wine. "But you said Seulgi gave you something to eat last night and that it was delicious." Jennie said.

"Oh it was. Thick strings of it in my mouth. Tasted like ice cream." She said and giggled. Seulgi blushed madly and had to set down her glass of wine to calm down. "Nice. You blow a load bigger than mine?" Lisa joked. Seulgi hit the girl's arm.

"Oh here's the pregnancy test you said you might need. What a coincidence we'd be here. It's actually quite a convenience." Irene said and handed Jennie the tester. "She doesn't need that. I gave her a pill." Lisa said.

"You never know." Irene said. Lisa looked away. She didn't want to know. She had no idea how many other girls she may have potentially gotten pregnant. Jennie stood up and looked at Lisa. She couldn't quite read the young girl's face.

"I'll be back." She said and headed to the bathroom. "What's wrong?" Seulgi asked. "If she is pregnant, I don't have anything to give her. I won't be a great parent. I'm basically a child who can't take care of themselves. I won't be the person she'll expect me to be. I might disappoint her." Lisa said.

"Didn't you just save her from her psycho fiance? You protected her because that's what you could offer. Protection. A child can't protect someone they love you know. I think you're all grown up tiger. If she happens to be pregnant, then that's your chance to show her you have much to offer for the wellbeing of her and the child." Seulgi said.

The sound of the bathroom door echoed in the room. The girls all turned their heads. Jennie held tightly the test.

"Well Miss?" Irene asked. Jennie's eyes were glued to the screen. "Miss?" Irene rushed over to Jennie. Irene gasped. Lisa's heart raced. That meant that she... she couldn't possibly. Jennie looked up at Lisa. Tears began to stream down her cheek. "I'm sorry." She choked out. She dropped the test and ran out of the house. Seulgi picked up the test.

"She's pregnant." Seulgi said. Lisa's heart skipped a beat. She had found herself running to catch the older girl.

"Jennie! Jennie! Wait!" She had caught up with the girl down the street. She grasped her wrist. "Stop! It's okay!" She breathed out. Jennie turned around and wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck and cried onto her neck. Lisa gently wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist, holding her close.

"It's okay Jennie. It's okay. I can help you raise the baby. I, I have plenty of empty rooms at my house. We can make a nursery, and, and a game room." Lisa said. She gently grazed her nose against Jennie's skin.

"I don't know what pregnant people eat but I...I can cook you a buffet." Lisa said. She hugged Jennie tightly. "Lisa... no." Jennie croaked. "What? What do you mean?" She asked. Jennie pulled away and wiped her cheeks. "I have a fiance. If he finds out he'll-."

"Screw him." Lisa said. Jennie shook her head. "No. No I can't. I've been arranged to marry him since I was eleven. My parents will kill me." Jennie said. "No. Run away then! Runaway with me! Sorn can help us. It'll be.....the four of us." Lisa said. She looked into Jennie's eyes. It was killing her not to kiss Jennie.

She couldn't fight such an urge. She leaned in and connected their lips. And just the same, Jennie wanted it. She kissed Lisa passionately. The two soon broke apart for air and smiled. Was this love they were feeling within the moment? Lisa took a hold of Jennie's hand.

"Let's go back." She said softly. Jennie nodded. As they turned on their heels they saw Seulgi running down the street towards them. "Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Help! I think Irene wants a baby too! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" Seulgi yelled. She hid behind Jennie.

"Seulgi! Why are you running? Why are you running?" Irene yelled and flailed her arms around. Lisa and Jennie burst into laughter.

A/N: I am so sorry for the late update gays----

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