l i g h t - c o f f e e - e y e s

767 47 32

for sahana

(how did a poem written off the prompt of "thrill" turn into a poem about your eyes?)

cheesy cheesy cheesy... chessy;)


i thought it was

just a thrill,

the kind that's

hollow and


a mere sensation


through my veins

when i met your

coffee-colored gaze,

but it was something

slower, more certain,

a rushing calmness

more like,

your russet eyes

instilling in me

an unwavering warmth—

a wholeness 

unknown to me,

sending shivers

up and down my arms

despite how that gaze

warms and wraps

around my heart,

chipping away at its


with a gentle surety

like you knew

all along,

like you knew 

your steady energy

crackling beneath the 

crystal surface

of your soft sweetness

would draw me closer,

pulling me in

like a siren

luring in

and drowning

a sailor

without even knowing

she's been




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