Chapter 88: The Military general, Mr Arlo Gonzalo!

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When Nicole comes out, she saw Zayn standing out there. First, she closed the door before turning to Zayn. Zayn asked her what happened and whether her mother is alright or not. 

Nicole replied," She is ok but... "

Zayn quickly asked," But?!"

" But that man is really dangerous!"

" Yeah, I know about him. He is the heir of the Cole family!" That family was a mafia family. Even the heir of the Cole family seems to be crazy but what he couldn't understand is how is that man related to Nicole's mother.

" No... It's not just that!"

" What is it?" Zayn asked concernedly as Nicole didn't look alright.

" He-He is a Psycho!!"

Zayn was stunned. He couldn't react after hearing that. Psychos are very rare in the world and there are different kinds of them. Some of the psychos are mental. Some couldn't think with common sense. Some are murderers without valid reasons. Some are torturers because they enjoy seeing others in pain. They enjoy it when people screamed with pain. 

However, the most dangerous kind is above that all. That type of psychos has high intelligence. They are very smart and decisive with everything they want. However, these psychos always have a trigger. A trigger that is akin to a weakness yet strength. If anyone triggers it, there would be a disaster awaiting them and everyone else.

Violet wanted to find that trigger because though that trigger is dangerous, it is also a way to control such psychos and she obviously knew that Bates is the latter type because his intelligence was terrific.

What Violet couldn't think about was that trigger seems to be no one else but... herself.

After a long time, Zayn finally replied. 

" What did Auntie say?!"

" She said that she would have to cure him as we cannot kill him otherwise he won't let my Mom be at peace." Nicole was very worried about Violet. She knew her mother was too charming and had a lot of pursuers because of that but she couldn't help her.

Even after combining all their powers from their family's and the underworld, it would be dangerous to attack. First, the Cole family was a mafia for generations but still, they had a chance at defeating them but the real danger was Bates. 

Psychos way of doing is very different and dangerous from an ordinary person. If they want something, they will go to any length for it. Even to the level of destroying that thing rather than letting others have it. They were such crazy people. 

That's why Nicole felt very helpless and worried about her mother because they can clearly see that Bates had his eyes on Violet. 

Zayn went silent as he didn't know what to do. 

Back at the ballroom, people were shocked to see that. However, they quickly pretended to not see anything. One was the top psychiatrist and mistress of the Anthony family while the other one was the king of the underworld. They didn't dare to gossip about them. What's more, they also had a close connection with Zayn and Alex, the rising stars in the Business industry. 

After that, Alex also indirectly warned the people to not spread the news or else they will have to face him.

Violet didn't come back after that and Bates also left. Without her, he has no interest in anything. 

As Zayn was the host and Nicole was his partner, they couldn't leave the party. Lisa was also helping Alex with whatever she could. 

After Zayn and Nicole come back, they went to greet guests. All the business tycoons in the world were there. Zayn was no longer a simple businessman. He could almost rival every businessman in the world with the exception of Bill Gates because he created the computers. He was on a whole different level but Zayn admired him for that. 

Still, his income wasn't much far behind bill gates.

Alex and Lisa were also busy greeting the guest. The rumours about Alex were spread all over. Alex was the one behind the Project Predator and now he was also the one behind the Project Alinea. Knowing this all, every businessman had great respect and envy towards him. He was a legend in the Business industry.  

Everyone wanted to meet him. After meeting a lot of people, Alex and Lisa came across the Military general. He was very cold yet he seems lonely. Everyone feared him a lot. Even the people from other countries feared him. The UN also respected him and called him a great leader who was very capable of protecting the country. 

However, when Lisa saw him, she felt something in her heart. She couldn't understand that feeling. She wanted to go forward and meet him yet she also wanted to hide from him. Her body stiffened. Alex noticed it and thought something was wrong with her as he asked worriedly.

" What happened? Are you alright?!"

Lisa couldn't speak for a long time. At that movement, The Military general, Mr Arlo Gonzalo noticed them and turned around. Lisa was blocked by Alex. 

He recognised Alex and went to greet him. He also respected Alex and Zayn a lot because they took their country to a different level. Their country was not too large. It was one of the continents with the size of Australia. 

It was near Asia. Their country was founded after a long time and it was named Alencica because their country always protected their pride. Many other countries tried to capture it but they failed because their great leaders protected them. Like Nicole's grandfather, Bryan Anthony. When the enemies tried to hurt them by spreading a virus, his grandfather stayed in the lab for 2 weeks and finally created an antidote.

So their country was very special. It was small but never let itself fall behind others. Until now, they were respected in the world but still not at the level of being acknowledged by everyone but since Zayn made a name for himself, through him people get to know his level. 

Until recently, there was a royal family of Alencica who always protected their country. However, some years ago, they suddenly disappeared. The king and queen died in an accident and their bodies were buried on a mountain which was very beautiful. But the rumoured 3 children disappeared after that. Some people said they died while some speculated they are alive somewhere.

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